DHL files lawsuit against MyPillow, claiming $800,000 debt

Package delivery company⁤ DHL has filed a lawsuit‌ against MyPillow, ​claiming that the company, led by its founder ​and chief⁣ pitchman⁣ Mike Lindell, owes nearly $800,000⁣ in unpaid bills. This legal dispute ‌is just ‌the⁣ latest ‌in a series‍ of challenges faced by MyPillow and Lindell, who ⁣is known for his support of former President Donald Trump and his false⁤ claims about the​ 2020 election.

The lawsuit was filed in ⁤Hennepin County District Court in Minneapolis on‌ Monday. According⁢ to DHL eCommerce, MyPillow has ⁤violated a ⁢contract that ⁢requires them to pay for all parcel delivery services within 15 days of receiving a bill. In May‍ 2023,⁢ they reached a settlement that required MyPillow to⁤ make monthly​ payments of $775,000 starting in ‌April of this year.

However, the lawsuit alleges that MyPillow has only ‌made partial payments on this settlement. They have paid a total of $64,583.34 ⁢so far, with the last payment received on⁣ June 6. ‍DHL notified MyPillow of their default on July 2. The ‌lawsuit seeks $799,925.59 from​ MyPillow along with interest and attorney fees.

When asked about the lawsuit by The Associated Press on Thursday, Lindell claimed he was ⁤unaware of its details but mentioned that his company had stopped using ⁤DHL over⁣ a year ago due to disputes over shipments⁢ which he believed ‌were DHL’s fault.

This is not the first‍ time that legal issues have arisen for ⁢Lindell and his‌ company. ⁣He is currently ‌facing defamation lawsuits ‍from two voting ⁣machine companies​ and has had lawyers⁢ quit defending him⁢ due to unpaid bills related ⁤to those cases.

In addition to these lawsuits, there have been other billing disputes involving MyPillow as well. In ⁣July, Exeter filed suit seeking​ eviction from⁤ one facility due to nearly $450k ​in unpaid rent payments; however ​it was dismissed after an agreement was ⁤reached for overdue rent payment along with⁢ other fees.
Another building in⁤ Shakopee also evicted them‌ earlier ‍this⁣ year ‌after four‍ months’ worths ‌rent​ went ⁢unpaid within less than one year.
My Pillow experienced financial difficulties last⁤ year when ⁣it lost Fox ‍News as​ an advertising platform and was dropped ⁢by several national retailers.
In February this year,a judge affirmed⁤ an arbitration award worth $5 million against them brought forth‌ by software engineer who challenged⁢ data presented⁤ by‌ Lindell claiming China interfered with US elections.


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