France to test full cellphone ban in schools

France is conducting a trial in 200 schools to completely restrict cellphone​ use. The program will be implemented in volunteer schools, representing over 50,000 students. Currently, cellphone use is already‍ restricted in French schools under a 2018 law that prohibits students⁣ from ⁤using phones on school grounds ‍but allows them to ‌keep the devices with them.

The new trial, called‌ the “digital‌ pause,” aims to go further by requiring⁣ students to ​leave their phones‌ at the entrance of the school. Education Minister Nicole Belloubet stated that the goal is to minimize cellphone presence ​as much as possible in classrooms and corridors. The purpose of⁢ this initiative is to prevent online harm, reduce screen exposure, ​and reinforce rules about digital⁢ device usage.

The French ‍government believes that this ⁢experiment‌ will⁢ improve the ​overall‍ school environment ⁤since excessive cellphone use has been linked to increased instances of online bullying. If successful, the pilot program ⁣is ​expected⁤ to be rolled out nationwide by January 1, 2025.

French President Emmanuel Macron ⁢has expressed interest in extending a ‍ban on smartphone use for ⁣children under 11 and social media access for those under 15 across France.‌ In June, Macron ⁣referred to a report from an expert panel led by neurologist Servane Mouton and psychiatry⁢ professor Amine Benyamina. The report ​highlighted both the empowering aspects of technology ⁤for children’s ⁢access to information and its ‍significant risks.

According to the report, technology can empower⁤ children but also imprison and alienate them⁢ if not used responsibly.‍ It emphasized that hyper-connectivity ​can have detrimental effects on children’s health and development while also impacting society ⁤as a‍ whole.

Other European countries⁢ have⁢ implemented bans or‍ restrictions on mobile devices in schools with varying degrees ⁣of severity. ‌In the UK, guidance‌ suggests prohibiting cellphone use but leaves it up⁣ to ⁣individual schools how ⁢they enforce it.⁤ Italy introduced a ban‌ on ‌smartphones in classrooms back in 2007 but recently expanded it under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s guidelines.

Several ​regions in​ Spain have also implemented bans on‌ cellphone ‌use ‌in ⁣schools ⁣with policies differing across different areas.


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