Fumio Kishida Addresses LDP Criticism, Chooses Not to Extend Term

Prime Minister Fumio⁢ Kishida⁣ has responded to criticism from members of the Liberal Democratic​ Party (LDP)‌ regarding the decline in support for his Cabinet. ​In light of this, Kishida has made the decision not to seek reappointment as LDP president in the upcoming September ​election.

Prior to a press conference held⁤ on Wednesday⁤ morning, Kishida personally reached out to senior LDP officials ‍to inform them of ​his intention to step ⁤down ​from ‍the ⁤party’s presidential race. This move comes after Kishida dissolved the ‍Kishida faction and implemented revisions to ⁣the LDP’s governance code earlier‍ this year, following allegations of violations of the Political Funds Control Law by LDP factions.

In​ response ‌to a fundraising scandal involving LDP lawmakers, disciplinary action was taken against 39 members of the Abe and Nikai factions. Despite Kishida’s efforts to address these issues and advocate for ⁤revisions to⁢ the​ Political ‌Funds Control⁤ Law​ during the regular Diet⁣ session, public backlash against the LDP persisted.

The LDP faced losses in three ‍House of Representatives⁤ by-elections in April, choosing not ⁤to participate in two races and experiencing defeat in one. The party ​also performed poorly in July’s Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly ⁤by-elections. This dissatisfaction among party members‌ and local organizations led many ‌to⁢ call for‌ a change in⁣ party leadership, believing that without a new leader, victory would ‍be difficult for the LDP in future lower house elections.

Regarding​ his decision, an aide explained that​ Kishida​ felt it was‍ necessary for him take responsibility at some point⁢ while waiting for an ‌appropriate moment concerning domestic and ​foreign policy matters. By announcing⁢ his intention to step⁤ down, it is⁢ likely that Kishida ​aimed at addressing public mistrust towards the ⁢LDP​ ahead of their presidential election.

Since assuming office as prime minister in‌ October 2021, Kishida has focused on ‌important issues such⁣ as Japan’s ‌defense, foreign‌ policy, and economy. However, despite his efforts, ⁢both‌ his Cabinet approval ratings and those of the LDP have continued their decline. ⁤A top government official commented⁤ that “There’s nothing ‍more he can‍ do.”

The upcoming presidential election for the ​LDP is expected next week.


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