Gan Jing World’s Digital Platform Announces Winner of ‘Good Deeds in Troubled Times’ Essay Competition

The⁣ Gan Jing World platform recently ⁣announced the winner of​ its essay contest, which began in ⁣February. The contest ⁣aims to promote acts of kindness and compassion by sharing stories that inspire‍ others. After receiving thousands of submissions, ⁢the winning essay was revealed on July 17.

The winning entry, titled “The Buddha Statue,” was written by Simon Bell. The essay tells the story of a sculptor who wanted to create something timeless and inspiring‍ for future generations. Inspired by the ⁢sound of a temple bell, he decided to craft two Buddha statues from pure white marble.

These statues were intended to be placed at the ‍entrance of⁣ a temple, with the hope that their beauty and serenity would move all who‍ visited for prayer and worship. The sculptor dedicated many years to⁢ perfecting his creations, promising the‍ marble slabs that their⁢ pain and suffering from ‍being chiseled would be worth it in the end.

Despite facing immense adversity during their transformation into statues, the marble slabs‍ persevered. They endured countless chips and chisels⁣ with unwavering strength. Eventually, after years of hard work,‌ both statues ‍were completed.

However, tragedy struck when ​one statue accidentally fell and cracked due to ⁢a slip of the sculptor’s hand. Devastated ‌by this accident, he ​believed there was no way to repair or display it outside ⁣the temple anymore.

But⁤ instead of‌ complaining⁤ or blaming anyone for its fate, the broken statue humbly accepted its situation ​without resentment or regret. Moved by its forbearance, the sculptor⁣ came up‍ with an idea: grinding down‌ the statue into powder⁢ so it could line the tiles on which visitors would walk inside ⁣the temple.

Although this process would cause even more pain for both statue and sculptor alike while erasing any recognition or glory associated with it as a work⁢ of art—ultimately becoming an anonymous ‍contribution—the broken statue ⁣agreed willingly.

As they began splitting apart pieces of it for grinding purposes, an astonishing discovery​ unfolded: within its heart lay a priceless piece of pure jade—a treasure hidden ⁤beneath layers of suffering endured throughout ⁤its creation process.

“The Buddha Statue” draws upon ancient Buddhist tradition that acknowledges life as an ⁤endless sea filled with pain and suffering. However difficult our circumstances may seem though there is always hope; ‍if we face our fate gracefully and​ humbly welcome whatever comes our way—no matter how dire—all‌ will be revealed—the individual’s pure heart—as precious as jade itself.

Gan Jing World organizes various competitions each year aimed at promoting positivity and traditional values worldwide while ‍inspiring kindness and ⁤compassion among individuals participating in⁣ these events.


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