Government requests ¥282 billion for Okinawa promotion budget; Futenma Air Station relocation remains controversial

The government ⁢has finalized its​ fiscal 2025 budget request, with the ‌Okinawa promotion budget‍ set at ¥282 billion, ⁤a decrease of ¥10 billion compared to the fiscal 2024 budget request, according ⁣to⁣ government sources.

This marks the fourth consecutive year that the budget request has‌ fallen below ¥300 billion. Many believe this trend is ⁣connected ⁣to ‍Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki’s ⁣opposition to a‌ government-backed plan that aims to ‍relocate the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station ⁢from Ginowan to the Henoko coastal⁣ district in Nago, both located in Okinawa prefecture.

In preparation​ for the utilization of the former military⁤ site after its return, a total of ¥6.8 billion will be newly allocated for⁤ a project supporting local governments‌ in acquiring land. Additionally, ⁤¥3.1 billion will be included for​ a project ⁢aimed at reducing transportation costs for residents ⁤living ⁣on remote‌ islands. Furthermore, an additional ¥100 ‍million will be allocated for‍ an ‌underwater exploration project related to​ the Tsushima-maru incident during World War II. The⁢ Tsushima-maru was an evacuation ship carrying schoolchildren ‍that was sunk by a U.S. submarine in August 1944.

Earlier this⁢ month, the Okinawa prefectural government had requested‍ that the central government ⁢set their budget request ‍within the range of ¥300 billion.

These ‍adjustments ⁢reflect ongoing discussions and‌ negotiations between‌ different levels‍ of government regarding‍ funding ⁤priorities and allocations for⁢ various projects​ and initiatives in Okinawa‍ prefecture.


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