Growing Divisions in Abe Faction Prior to LDP Election; Members Struggle to Overcome ‘Hidden Fund Lawmakers’ Perception

The Liberal Democratic ‌Party’s Abe ​faction, ⁤once the largest group in the‍ party, is ‌facing a series⁤ of challenges ahead of⁢ the upcoming LDP presidential election. The faction has lost its unity following⁣ a scandal involving ‌violations of​ the Political Funds‌ Control Law, ‍and its members ⁢are divided on⁣ which candidate to support as Prime Minister ​Fumio Kishida’s successor.

The negative impression⁢ left by the hidden funds scandal continues⁤ to ⁣haunt the⁢ faction, ​with candidates for presidency hesitant to‌ openly seek⁢ their support. This has raised concerns among young lawmakers within the faction about their prospects in‍ future elections.

In an attempt to foster unity among younger⁤ members of the faction, around 20 lawmakers gathered for what ⁣was supposed to⁣ be a summer training session at a dormitory in Tokyo. However, ‍due‌ to disagreements⁣ over which candidate to back in next ⁣month’s election, the meeting fell short of ⁢expectations.

Reports suggest that ‌Abe faction members are ‌divided in their support for at least‌ five candidates including‍ Takayuki Kobayashi, Sanae Takaichi, and Shinjiro Koizumi. The fallout from the funds ‌scandal has weakened the faction’s⁣ influence significantly.

Other factions​ have become increasingly wary of ⁢aligning themselves with the ⁣Abe‌ faction. Kobayashi was labeled as “the candidate who listens to what the Abe⁣ faction⁢ says” after several members ⁢attended his press conference announcing his candidacy.‌ However, it remains challenging for candidates to secure official support from 20 Abe faction lawmakers required for entry into ⁣the race.

The stigma attached to being labeled “hidden fund lawmakers” ⁣continues to ‌plague mid-ranking⁤ members within⁤ the Abe faction. With about 60% of lower house members⁢ having been elected four or fewer⁢ times and lacking strong electoral bases, some‌ potential successors have suggested withdrawing party endorsement ‌from those⁣ punished ⁣over scandals.

Adding further turmoil⁣ within their ranks is former member​ Manabu Horii’s resignation as⁤ a lower house lawmaker amid‍ allegations of illegal distribution of condolence⁤ money. The ongoing challenges surrounding money in politics threaten another ‌blow against an already beleaguered Abe faction.

Amidst these difficulties and uncertainties surrounding future elections and leadership transitions within LDP, one ⁢young ‌member expressed⁢ preoccupation ⁤with lower house elections rather than focusing on presidential matters.


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