Himeji Castle to Increase Entry Fees for Non-local Visitors

The city of Himeji in Japan is considering raising admission fees for visitors who do not reside in the local area, according to officials. Initially, the⁤ plan was to only impose higher ticket prices on foreign tourists, but the city has⁣ now backed down from that idea. The ⁤local government of Himeji is also exploring a⁣ premium ticket plan specifically targeting foreign tourists. This plan would include‍ additional services such as luggage storage and ⁢discounts at local restaurants, in addition⁤ to admission to the UNESCO World Heritage site.

In ​June, Mayor Hideyasu ⁢Kiyomoto made headlines when‍ he mentioned the possibility of quadrupling entry fees for foreigners during an international symposium. The current adult ticket price of 1,000 yen would be increased to help cover maintenance costs. Kiyomoto expressed his desire to avoid raising admission⁤ fees for Himeji locals so that⁣ they can continue enjoying the site as “a place of rest.”

However,⁣ these remarks faced criticism from municipal assembly members who argued that singling out foreigners with higher prices could negatively impact the castle’s‌ image. As a result, Himeji will introduce a new admission fee system as early as spring 2026 after discussing ⁣it with both the municipal assembly ‌and the Agency for Cultural Affairs. The ⁢officials have stated that they intend to keep entry fees unchanged for Himeji residents.

An official emphasized that Himeji Castle boasts more buildings designated as national treasures or⁣ important cultural properties than any other castle in Japan. Therefore, admission fees play a crucial role in funding preservation‌ efforts and ensuring its legacy‍ continues.

According to data from the city government, approximately 1.48 million people visited Himeji Castle in fiscal year⁢ 2023, with foreigners accounting for 452,300⁢ visitors – surpassing 400,000 for the first time since records began in fiscal year 1992.


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