House Republicans Introduce Bill to Tackle VA Budget Shortfall

House Republicans have introduced ‌a bill to address a budget shortfall in the Department of⁣ Veterans Affairs (VA). The proposed‍ legislation would provide nearly $2.9 billion in supplemental funding for veterans’ compensation,⁢ pensions, and benefits.⁤ According to​ House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost ⁣(R-Ill.), there is a $2.88 billion shortfall for ‍the 2024 fiscal year and an $11.97 billion shortfall for⁤ the Veterans⁢ Health Administration.

The bill requires ⁢the VA secretary to submit a report to the ⁢Appropriations​ and Veterans Affairs committees in both the House and Senate, outlining steps that will⁤ be taken to improve budget projections when presenting proposals to Congress. ‌This report must⁢ be submitted within 30 days of⁤ the bill’s enactment.

Furthermore,‌ within 60 days of becoming ⁣law, the secretary⁣ must provide an update on how funds allocated under this bill will be‍ used for fiscal years⁤ 2024, 2025, ⁢and 2026.

Afterward, every 90 days until September 30, 2026, the secretary is obligated​ to submit reports detailing any changes made to estimates or assumptions regarding obligations and expenditures ‌related to VA funding.

Inspector General reports concerning VA funding shortfalls in​ fiscal years 2024 ​and 2025 will include analyses of monthly obligations and expenditures compared against department spend⁢ plans. These reports⁣ will ‌also assess projection accuracy and ​any other relevant matters ‍determined by the Inspector General.

The bill stipulates that differences‍ in funding ‍for VA offices⁣ and facilities should be included in⁣ the report for fiscal year 2025.

In ⁤a letter sent on July 17th to ‍VA Secretary Denis ​McDonough,⁢ Bost described this budget shortfall as​ “the largest” in department history. He expressed⁤ concerns about unanticipated costs without sufficient explanation or justification.

The Epoch⁣ Times has reached out to the VA for comment on this proposed legislation but has not received a response at this ⁣time.


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