Japan and India strengthen security ties, focusing on China; also aligned on trade in defense goods

The recent Japan-India two-plus-two ​meeting has‍ confirmed⁢ the‌ acceleration of security cooperation ‍between the two countries. This ⁤development is driven by their shared intention to strengthen countermeasures against China, which has been increasing its ⁢hegemonic actions.

Japan, along⁣ with the United States and ​Europe, opposes Russia’s ⁢aggression in Ukraine and aims to ⁣deter Russia by forging ​closer ties with India,⁢ despite maintaining​ friendly relations with Russia.

During ⁣a press conference after the meeting, Foreign ⁣Minister Yoko Kamikawa emphasized that Japan and India are determined to work together as ‍partners who can contribute significantly to global⁤ peace and stability. Indian ‌Defense Minister Rajnath Singh also highlighted their common values regarding the Indo-Pacific region.

The ⁣agreement ‌to enhance security cooperation⁤ is​ motivated by a sense of urgency concerning China. Japan has experienced intrusions​ by Chinese Coast Guard​ vessels into its territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture. Similarly, tensions between India and China have escalated since their military clash in the Galwan Valley in June 2020. Furthermore,‌ China’s activities ‍have expanded⁤ into neighboring countries ⁢like Sri Lanka, where a Chinese research vessel​ recently‍ docked.

Unlike other countries dependent on the United States and Europe for defense procurement, India has pursued‌ strategic autonomy by ⁢collaborating with nations that offer ​maximum national benefits. Currently, almost ⁢half ⁣of India’s arms purchases‌ come⁢ from Russia. However, India has been focusing on domestic ⁢arms production and diversifying its procurement sources in‍ recent years – aligning its interests with Japan’s efforts to promote defense exports.

While⁣ Japan joined forces⁣ with​ the US and Europe in imposing sanctions on Russia ​due to its aggression in‍ Ukraine, India ‌refrained from doing so as it continues⁤ importing affordable Russian crude oil – creating a divergence between their positions.

Japan aims to deepen cooperation with India through defense exports, increased collaboration in space and cyber realms, as ⁢well as expanding joint training programs. ​These initiatives will further ​strengthen bilateral ties between both nations.


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