Japanese Automakers Collaborate on Software Development to Compete in SDV Market

Three major​ Japanese automobile manufacturers, Toyota Motor Corp., Honda⁣ Motor Co., and Nissan Motor‌ Co., have agreed to collaborate on developing in-car software. They will explore the ⁣possibility of standardizing specifications​ for car computer functions such as window ⁢opening and wiper​ movement. Suzuki Motor ⁣Corp. will also join forces with chip manufacturers ‍and communications enterprises to develop software for autonomous driving and map information by fiscal 2024. This collaboration‍ aims to compete against leading U.S. and‍ Chinese manufacturers in ⁣automotive technologies.

The automakers’ ‌executives, along with officials‍ from the Economy, Trade, and Industry Ministry, plan to⁤ announce this policy at the Japan Mobility Show ⁤(formerly‍ known as the⁢ Tokyo Motor Show) in Chiba City.

To facilitate⁣ collaboration among software firms, the three automakers will standardize ⁤the basic platform for an application programming⁣ interface (API).‍ This ​API serves as a link between software and other systems, allowing various software from these automakers to be installed easily. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry encourages​ the ⁣development of Software Defined⁣ Vehicles (SDVs), which are next-generation cars that ‌can enhance their abilities through ⁢internet-based software updates. As part of this initiative, they will launch ‍a Mobility DX Platform ‌with major automobile manufacturers.

In addition to ⁤promoting ⁢collaboration⁢ among companies, the ministry plans to strengthen human resources development by adding SDVs to guidelines ​on digital field workforce development. They aim‌ to nurture talented‍ individuals well-versed in automotive software through⁢ specialized courses provided by educational⁣ institutions like universities.

The United States and China currently lead in SDV technology. Tesla Inc., an American electric vehicle giant, was the first company to introduce SDVs into its lineup of cars successfully generating revenue even after sales were made. China has also made significant progress by standardizing ⁢API within its automobile industry since 2021.

Recognizing this competitive landscape, ⁣Japan’s government created ⁢a strategy on⁤ automotive digitalization in ​May with a goal of securing a 30%⁤ share of the global SDV sales market. To achieve this objective, domestic companies are urged to‌ collaborate⁣ closely while emphasizing that superior⁣ software is ⁤crucial for next-generation vehicles like SDVs.

Overall efforts between public and private sectors are being coordinated intensively as Japan⁣ seeks to ​regain ground in this rapidly evolving industry.


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