Japan’s Defense Minister states flares were intended as a clear warning to Russian plane; investigation underway into Russia’s intentions

The⁣ Defense Ministry has stated that the use ⁣of⁣ flares during a ⁤recent incident with a Russian patrol aircraft was intended as a clear warning.⁤ The IL-38 patrol plane trespassed into Japanese airspace ⁣near Rebun⁤ Island in‍ northern Hokkaido on three‌ separate occasions, which could be seen as⁢ a military provocation. Defense Minister Minoru Kihara announced at a press conference that Japan will​ closely⁤ monitor the​ movements of ‍the Russian​ military. This is the⁣ first time since June 2019 that Russia has entered ⁤Japanese airspace, and it marks the first instance where Japan launched flares to warn​ against ⁣such an infringement. Kihara explained that the‌ Air Self-Defense ‍Force took action after ‍issuing radio notifications and warnings, responding to the situation and movements of the Russian plane. A senior ministry official ‌described launching warning flares as a strong move by​ Japan⁢ to send a clear⁢ message to‍ Russia. While‌ there were no dangerous actions​ by the ⁤Russian military plane, it‌ is believed that ⁣radio notifications alone were insufficient after repeated violations of ​Japanese airspace. Additionally, nine​ Russian and Chinese naval vessels passed through Soya Strait near Rebun Island over ⁣Sunday and⁣ Monday, potentially ‌indicating coordinated actions between Russia and China ⁢due ‍to their deepening‍ cooperation ​in recent years. The ministry continues to monitor the area closely while working swiftly to analyze Russia’s intentions.


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