Japan’s Lower House Dissolution and Ex-Prime Minister Noda’s Leadership of Opposition CDPJ Take Center Stage in LDP Election

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is growing cautious of former Prime Minister ‌Yoshihiko Noda, who has been elected as the new leader of⁢ the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of ‌Japan (CDPJ). The LDP is concerned about⁤ Noda’s reputation⁢ as a skilled⁢ debater ⁢and his relatively conservative position among⁤ opposition parties. They fear‌ that engaging ‍in Diet debates against Noda could result in a⁢ loss of conservative-centrist votes in the next‌ House⁣ of Representatives election. As the LDP ⁤presidential election approaches, attention will ⁤be focused on each candidate’s strategy for⁣ dissolving the lower house and their response to the Diet.

Former ‌party Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba, one of the‍ candidates⁢ running for ‌LDP president, ⁣acknowledged Noda’s debating ⁣skills​ and warned against underestimating him. Some within‌ the LDP believe​ that with Noda leading CDPJ, ⁤the upcoming‌ extraordinary‌ Diet session on​ October 1st will pose a significant challenge for the new ​LDP president.

Noda⁢ not only possesses eloquence‍ but also brings experience⁢ as a former prime minister. A veteran LDP lawmaker expressed concern that if a new prime minister falters or makes⁤ mistakes during⁤ debates, it could lead to a sudden drop in Cabinet⁤ approval ratings.

The timing for⁤ dissolving ⁤the ​lower ⁤house‍ is another⁤ key issue⁢ among candidates. Shinjiro Koizumi, former Environment Minister and an LDP presidential candidate, believes ​it should happen “as⁤ soon as possible” to allow public judgment on an LDP that has caused distrust in politics. However, other candidates ​argue that presenting⁣ Cabinet policies through Diet debate is important ‌before dissolution.

While some lawmakers around Ishiba⁢ and Sanae Takaichi have confidence in their ability to succeed in ⁢debates due to their policy expertise,‌ they anticipate intense scrutiny over issues‍ such⁣ as ‍violations of political funds control ​laws ⁣involving LDP‍ factions.

Meanwhile, one CDPJ ‌candidate dismissed any notion of engaging in policy debates with⁢ confidence by ⁢stating that it⁢ would be naive to‌ think so. The CDPJ sees ‌an opportunity to attack the LDP.

Noda’s relatively conservative stance ⁤raises concerns within the LDP about losing conservative-centrist votes ⁤in future elections. A middle-ranking lawmaker emphasized that unless their new president leans towards ​centrism rather than right-wing ⁣ideology, they risk further⁤ vote losses. Therefore, Noda’s ​appointment as CDRP leader may significantly impact how things​ unfold during this final stage of the race for LDB presidency.


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