Kono Vows to Eliminate Tax Adjustments, Mandate Returns from All Citizens; Motegi Proposes Plan to Transform Japan

Digital minister Taro ‌Kono, a​ candidate in the ⁢upcoming Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, has made a promise to eliminate year-end tax adjustments and require all citizens to file a tax return. Another candidate, ​LDP Secretary General ‌Toshimitsu Motegi,⁤ has pledged to attract semiconductor ⁣production​ bases and data⁤ centers to regional areas as part of⁢ his plan⁣ to ​”remake Japan.”

During his press conference ‌on Thursday, Kono ‌explained that⁤ implementing mandatory tax returns ⁤for everyone would allow the ⁤government to centrally manage income⁣ information ⁣and provide targeted ⁣assistance more efficiently. He also called for the division of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.

In terms of ⁢national security, Kono emphasized the ‍need for a​ review of ‌Japan’s defense equipment⁣ system ‍and mentioned‌ the⁢ possibility of deploying nuclear submarines. He stated that discussions should be held regarding⁣ strategies for controlling China’s maritime expansion in ⁤the ‍East China Sea.

Motegi focused on‍ addressing the overconcentration of population and industry in Tokyo. ‌He highlighted how business hubs ‍that generate ‌employment⁤ opportunities and knowledge‍ hubs that attract talent⁢ are primarily concentrated in Tokyo. Motegi proposed reorganizing ministries and agencies⁤ as​ part⁢ of his plan. ‍Specifically, he ‍suggested making Hello Work job placement offices‍ independent entities with strengthened functions as⁣ career support agencies. Additionally, ⁣he recommended merging ⁤the Natural Resources and Energy Agency with the Environment ‌Ministry ⁢to establish an energy‍ and environment ministry dedicated to promoting stable power supply and decarbonization.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi responded to Kono’s remarks ⁣about nuclear submarine deployment by ⁤stating that it would​ be challenging for⁢ Japan due to current interpretations ⁣of the Atomic Energy Basic Law.

Former economic ⁢security minister Takayuki ‍Kobayashi and former LDP Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba are ⁣expected to announce their campaign pledges on Tuesday.


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