LDP Candidates Split on Separate Surnames for Couples; Call for Party Consensus

The ⁣issue of allowing​ married couples to choose separate family names has ⁤sparked a division among the candidates running for ​the presidency of the Liberal Democratic ‌Party. Public ​opinion on this matter is⁣ also split, as the government has been gradually expanding the unofficial use of original family names.

Among those in favor of introducing separate family names are former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, former LDP Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba, and digital minister Taro​ Kono. Koizumi is particularly adamant ⁢about this and has ‍stated that he⁤ plans to submit a bill within a year.

On the other hand, Economic ‌Security Minister Sanae Takaichi, former Economic Security​ Minister Takayuki Kobayashi, and former Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu ‌Kato are ⁢more⁣ cautious about⁣ implementing ⁣a new ‍system. They express concerns stemming from conservative voters who⁣ question what would happen to children’s family names if their parents have different ones.

As of now, the⁢ LDP has‌ not reached a definitive conclusion on this ‌matter. LDP⁢ Secretary General ⁢Toshimitsu Motegi and Foreign⁤ Minister Yoko Kamikawa stress the importance of listening to various‍ opinions within their ‌party before making any decisions regarding ⁢this issue.


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