LDP Election Votes: Ishiba, Kono, and Koizumi Compete

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—Former Liberal Democratic Party ‌Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, digital transformation minister Taro Kono, and former⁣ Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi are set to‍ compete for support⁣ in the upcoming Japanese ‌ruling party’s presidential election. The three politicians, known as ​the “Koishikawa ⁣coalition,”‌ will go their separate ways for the⁣ September 27⁣ LDP presidential election to vie for backing ⁢from party ‌members.

On Saturday, Ishiba announced his candidacy for the upcoming election, which will determine a ‍successor‍ to current LDP chief and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Kono is scheduled to ⁢hold ‍a press‍ conference on⁤ Monday to declare his bid, while Koizumi is expected to announce his candidacy⁣ on​ Friday.

Although Ishiba has expressed hopes of collaboration among the three candidates, many ‍within the⁣ party remain skeptical ⁣about such⁢ cooperation in the impending election. ⁢”Even ‌if we compete in this election, we still share a fundamental connection,” Ishiba stated on Friday⁤ when asked ‍about potential ‌future cooperation between himself,⁢ Kono, and Koizumi.

In the⁣ previous party presidential election three years ago—won by Kishida—Kono ⁢ran ⁢as a candidate with support from both Ishiba and Koizumi. At⁤ that time, Kono emphasized ‌the ⁤need for a party overhaul while Ishiba characterized it as “a ⁢fight‍ between an outdated⁤ LDP and‍ the people.”‍ Despite receiving more votes from ​rank-and-file party members and supporters than any other candidate at ⁣that time,‍ Kono ranked third among‍ LDP lawmakers’ votes. Koizumi described these results as⁤ “a‍ near complete defeat” ⁤for their camp.

The dynamics⁢ between Ishiba-Koizumi pair and Kono changed following several disbandments of LDP factions led by‍ Kishida due to a political funds scandal affecting those factions. ‌While most factions were dissolved during⁤ this period of reform within ‌the party structure, one faction led by LDP Vice⁢ President Taro⁣ Aso remained intact. Consequently, Kono decided to ⁤stay with‍ Aso’s faction instead⁣ of joining any specific group—a decision ⁢that ‍created a rift between him and Ishiba-Koizumi pair who operate‍ independently ⁣without factional affiliations.

Public opinion‌ polls conducted by Japanese media​ outlets ‍consistently highlight high​ popularity ratings ‍for‌ all three candidates—Ishiba,Kono,and Koizumi.In ⁢light ⁤of ⁢these ⁤popular figures competing⁤ for leadership intheLDP,a⁣ senior official remarked,”Competitionforparty member votes ⁢is expectedtobefierce.”Shigeru Sato,the headoftheLDPbranchinYokohama City,southofTokyo,stated,”We⁤ will workonconcentratingourvotesonKoizumi.”YoshihideSuga,LDPlawmakerandimmediatepredecessortoKishida—whoislikelytoendorseKoizumifortheupcomingelection—exertssignificantinfluenceovertheLDPhubinYokohama.WithmorecandidatesanticipatedtorunforLDPpresident,itremainspossiblethatnoneofthecandidateswillsecureamajorityofvotesinthefirstround,resultinginanecessityforarunoffvotingprocess todeterminethenextLDppresident.Whilemanybelieve thatthestrategiesadoptedbytheKoishikawacoalitionmaydeterminevictoryinaugustelection,a mid-rankinglawmakersuggestedthat”asthecoalitionisbasedoncalculatedrelationships,theircollaborationiscompletelyfictional”.


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