LDP Presidential Candidates Discuss Foreign and Security Issues in Okinawa, Ishiba Proposes Reviewing Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement

The nine ​candidates for⁢ the Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election gathered‍ in Naha on Tuesday to discuss their policies on foreign and ​national security issues. Shigeru Ishiba, former LDP Secretary General, expressed his long-held⁤ views on the Japan-U.S. Status of⁢ Forces ⁤Agreement, suggesting that it should be⁢ reviewed and ⁣that U.S. bases‌ in Japan should be jointly managed with⁣ the ⁣Self-Defense Forces. Ishiba ⁢emphasized​ the ⁣need‍ for this review⁣ by referring to a 2004 crash ⁢of a U.S. military helicopter ⁢near an Okinawa university.

There have been concerns within the government ‍and‌ LDP about potential ‌abrupt ‍changes in foreign ⁢and security policies that ​require consistency.⁤ While⁤ there are strong demands in ‍Okinawa Prefecture for a fundamental revision ⁣of the agreement, so far, the central ‌government⁣ has​ addressed this issue ‍through supplementary agreements and​ improvements in implementation.

In previous⁣ debates among LDP presidential candidates, both Shigeru Ishiba and economic‌ security minister Sanae Takaichi stood out for their distinct views​ on diplomatic‍ and security matters. ‌Ishiba proposed discussing a nuclear sharing arrangement with the United States as part of Japan’s nuclear policy review. Takaichi called for discussions on revising Japan’s three non-nuclear principles and took a tough stance on China.

Some observers have raised concerns about‌ these candidates’ positions, ⁢stating that they ⁣could significantly change ‌previous government ‍policies and potentially cause ⁤confusion. Additionally, some ⁣candidates ‍demonstrated only superficial understanding of certain ⁣issues during public​ debates.

Shigeru Ishiba also discussed what ⁢would happen if former U.S. President ⁣Donald Trump won re-election in November and asked Japan ⁢to bear additional costs for U.S.‌ troops stationed there. He argued ​that as long ​as they can present⁢ solid arguments backed by ⁢accurate‌ figures, their position should be recognized regardless of who is president.

Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi ‌highlighted his desire to open new ⁢developments through high-level diplomacy with‌ North ⁢Korean leader Kim Jong Un ⁤due to ⁢being⁣ from the​ same‍ generation as him.
A senior Foreign Ministry official commented on these‌ statements, emphasizing​ the importance of having a concrete⁤ strategy leading to diplomacy ⁣at the highest level when dealing with North⁣ Korea ⁤or any‍ other international issue where relations may deteriorate after‍ presenting arguments ‍to leaders like Trump.


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