LDP Presidential Hopefuls Propose Reducing Burden on Young People: Lowering Social Security Payments, Raising Incomes

Social security policy is ‌a major topic of discussion in the ongoing leadership race of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The‍ candidates are looking for ways to address the country’s declining population, and they believe that supporting families and‍ young people who want to start families is crucial in ‍combating the low birth rates. The LDP presidential candidates have proposed various measures to alleviate the burdens faced by young people.

One candidate, Takayuki Kobayashi, who previously served as economic security minister, emphasized his plan to significantly increase the disposable incomes ⁤of young people‍ by reducing their social insurance premiums. He also pledged to⁤ establish a council dedicated⁤ to shaping the future of social security.

Shinjiro Koizumi, a‌ former environment minister and another candidate, aims to​ improve the incomes of young individuals by expanding their options⁤ through workstyle reforms. ⁢Katsunobu Kato, a former ‌Chief Cabinet Secretary and candidate as well, has called for transforming irregular⁢ workers with unstable incomes into regular employees while implementing other measures that would double workers’ earnings.

Preventing⁤ the outflow of residents ‍from regional cities is an urgent issue that needs attention in order‌ to halt the decline in child population. Yoshimasa Hayashi, Chief Cabinet Secretary and candidate for LDP presidency, believes it is ⁢crucial to further promote initiatives like creating more⁣ job opportunities in regional cities.

Toshimitsu Motegi, LDP Secretary ⁢General and another contender for party leadership, suggested attracting semiconductor plants and data centers ⁤to regional cities as a means of retaining young talent. His goal is ⁣to prevent them from⁢ moving‍ away⁣ by providing attractive employment prospects locally.

The future direction of Japan’s social security policy remains uncertain as these candidates vie for leadership within the LDP. However, their focus ​on supporting families‍ and improving conditions for young people reflects​ an understanding that addressing these issues will be vital in tackling Japan’s demographic challenges.


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