LDP Presidential Vote May Require Runoff; Takaichi and Ishiba Lead in Surveys

According to recent polls ​conducted by Yomiuri Shimbun, the ‍upcoming ⁤presidential election⁢ for the ‌Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) ⁢is likely to result in a runoff between ⁤the top two ​finishers. The polls surveyed party members, supporters,⁤ and‌ Diet members, revealing that nearly 20% of voters were undecided or unwilling ​to disclose ⁤their choice. ​This group could potentially impact the⁤ election‌ scheduled for ⁣September⁤ 27.

In this election,‍ candidates will ⁣compete for ​a total of 734 votes. Half of ⁤these votes are cast ⁤by⁤ Diet⁤ members while ⁣the other half are cast by rank-and-file members and party supporters. If no candidate secures a ⁤majority,‌ there will ‍be ‍a runoff between the top two finishers. This second round ⁤will be⁢ voted⁣ on by the 367 Diet members, with each ​of LDP’s prefectural chapters also‍ having one vote ‍each.

The​ survey conducted among⁤ rank-and-file⁤ members and party supporters ‌took place ⁣in all 47 prefectures over⁢ the​ weekend. ‌A total of 1,500 confirmed voters in ⁤the presidential election responded to this ⁣survey. When asked about their preferred candidate, former LDP Secretary General Shigeru ‌Ishiba received support from 26% of respondents followed closely⁣ by economic security minister ⁤Sanae Takaichi at 25%. Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi⁤ came in third with‍ support from 16% ⁤of respondents.

Other ⁤candidates such‍ as Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and ​former economic security minister Takayuki‌ Kobayashi ⁤received support from only‌ 6% of respondents each. Chief Cabinet Secretary ⁤Yoshimasa Hayashi had support from just 5%, while digital minister ‌Taro Kono​ had⁤ support from only 3%. LDP Secretary General ​Toshimitsu Motegi was chosen by just 2% of respondents and ⁤former ⁤Chief Cabinet Secretary⁤ Katsunobu‌ Kato was supported by ⁢only1%.

Extrapolating from these poll results suggests that Ishiba would receive around97 votes from rank-and-file members ‌and party supporters while Takaichi would receive‌ approximately94 votes. Koizumi is projected to receive60 votes.

Another survey ⁤focused​ on voting intentions among LDP Diet members⁤ revealed that outof352 outof367members participated.Koizumi received backingfrom45members,followedbyKobayashiwith40,Hayashiwith35,andMotegiwith33.Takaichihad29supporters,Ishibahad26,Konohad24,Kamikawahad23,andKatohad21.Neither chairmanoftheDietchamberswasincludedinthesurvey.Atotalof91LDPDietmembershadnotyetdecidedwhomtovoteforordidnotdisclosetheirintentions.

In terms ⁤of overall projected tally for all voters,TakaichiandIshibaweretiedwith123votes,closelyfollowedbyKoizumiwith105votes.BeneaththemwereKobayashiwith62votes,Hayashiwith53votes,Kamikawawith45votes,Motegiwith40votes,Konowith35votes,andKatowith24votes,trailingthetopthreecandidatesbyawidemargin.TheseresultsindicatethatTakaichi,Ishiba,andKoizumireceivedlessthan20%ofthevote,suggestingthatnocandidatewillsecureamajorityinthefirstroundofvotingandtherecouldbea runoff.


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