Limited Rice Supplies in Japan Cause Concern Among Consumers; Poor Quality and Increased Tourism Lead to Inventory Decline

Rice shortages continue to plague supermarkets and retail outlets across Japan, ​with the government ⁣urging consumers to⁤ remain calm and patient. The scarcity of rice is attributed to ⁤last year’s scorching summer weather, which resulted in lower quality crops, as well as an influx of tourists from‌ overseas. In response, some ⁤supermarkets have implemented restrictions on rice purchases, such ⁤as limiting it to​ one bag per family. However,‍ these measures⁤ have not ⁢been sufficient to meet demand,⁣ as‍ shelves are already empty in many stores.

For example, a supermarket⁤ in Osaka managed to procure⁣ 30‌ bags⁤ of‌ rice ​weighing five ​kilograms each but sold‌ out within just ⁢30 minutes. Major retailers like Ito-Yokado Co. have also⁢ imposed purchase limits​ at ⁢their stores due to decreasing inventories. According ⁤to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, private ⁢sector rice ‍stocks at the end of June were at⁤ their lowest level since 1999.

The shortage⁢ can be attributed partly to last year’s extreme ‌heatwave during the crucial ⁢period when rice ears began emerging. The⁢ high temperatures caused the grains of ‍rice to become cloudy or break apart, resulting in⁤ lower quality ⁣crops ​and reduced supply for market distribution.

Additionally, rising food prices ‍and increased demand for dining out⁤ among⁢ foreign tourists have contributed further to the shortage of rice supplies. Furthermore, there has been ⁣excessive stockpiling ⁢of rice ‍by households preparing for‍ potential future disasters.

Although relief may​ be on the horizon with⁢ early harvests already available in some​ supermarkets and‌ new harvests ⁣expected from ⁣prefectures like Chiba and Ibaraki in September—accounting for approximately 40% of annual shipments—it remains uncertain whether this will lead ‍to a quick⁤ decrease in prices.

Agriculture Minister Tetsushi Sakamoto expressed optimism ‍about gradually recovering supplies during a‌ press conference after a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday. He also revealed that he had ‍requested ​major ⁤wholesalers collect⁣ and sell rice smoothly. ⁣However, ⁤a⁢ wholesaler from⁣ Kyushu warned that wholesale prices⁤ for this year’s harvest are more than ‍50% higher than⁣ last year’s‌ prices.

As consumers eagerly await ‌relief from ‌the ongoing ⁢shortage crisis through increased supply availability ⁤later⁤ this year⁣ when new harvests enter the market; it⁣ remains⁢ unclear how quickly prices will stabilize or decrease significantly.


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