Man arrested for arson-murder of 93-year-old grandmother says he doesn’t remember doing it

Police in Fukushima City have arrested a 41-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of setting fire to a house in June, resulting in the death of his 93-year-old grandmother who was inside. Junya Aso is accused of intentionally igniting the two-story wooden house on June 8, as reported by Fukushima TV. Tragically, Setsuko, Aso’s grandmother, lost her life in the blaze.

During the incident, Setsuko and Aso’s father were residing in the house. When Aso’s father returned from an outing and discovered the fire, he immediately dialed emergency services at 119. Unfortunately, by that time, the flames had already engulfed and destroyed their home.

According to authorities, Aso had moved in with his father and grandmother approximately six months prior to the fire. Shockingly enough, when his father arrived home during this devastating event, he found Aso standing outside observing the inferno but taking no action.

On Friday, police apprehended Aso and quoted him as claiming to have no recollection of starting or being involved with any fire incident. As of now, law enforcement has not disclosed any details regarding how exactly this tragic fire began.


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