Michael Keaton prioritizes fatherhood over acting career without regret

Michael Keaton, the 73-year-old actor known for his iconic roles in films like “Beetlejuice” and “Batman,” has revealed that he has no regrets about prioritizing his family over Hollywood. In a recent interview with People magazine,⁢ Keaton joked about turning down numerous roles and earning ‍the nickname “Dr. No.” He didn’t specify ‍which roles ‌he declined but emphasized that spending time​ with ⁢his son, Sean Douglas, was‍ a “no-brainer.”

Keaton expressed his belief that ⁤being present for his‌ son’s childhood was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He stated, “That’s only going​ to happen one time—he’s only ⁣going to be a ‌kid [for a bit]. You ‌look back, and you go, ‘Zero⁣ regret. Zero, zero.’” The actor acknowledged ⁤that while there may ‍be movies he⁢ sees ‍and thinks turned ⁢out well, choosing ⁢to be a father⁤ was always the correct choice for ‍him.

Keaton credited ⁣his former ⁢wife and Sean’s mother, Caroline ⁤McWilliams (who passed ⁢away in⁣ 2010), for raising their son well. He also recognized Sean himself⁤ for having outstanding character‌ traits. According to Keaton, ​parenting⁣ is crucial but some individuals​ are just built in certain ways.

Sean Douglas ⁢has followed⁣ in his father’s​ footsteps as ‌an​ award-winning songwriter ⁤who has collaborated with top musical stars such as ⁣Madonna ‌and Selena Gomez. Despite their ‍busy schedules, Keaton and ‌Douglas make sure to spend quality time ‍together along with Rachel Bartov (Douglas’s wife) and their ⁤two ‍children.

In ⁣another interview‌ with People​ magazine, Keaton ​discussed how he chose ⁣the stage name “Keaton” instead ⁢of using his ​birth name Michael⁢ Douglas (to avoid confusion with the famous actor). However, after several decades of using⁤ the stage name exclusively, Keaton‌ now plans to use a hybrid​ of both ⁤names—Michael Keaton-Douglas—in future ⁤projects.

Throughout his ‌career spanning from minor TV appearances ​to starring roles in blockbuster films like Batman series ‍and recent hits ⁢like⁤ “Birdman,”⁣ “The Founder,” and “Spider-Man: Homecoming,”⁢ Michael Keaton has established ‌himself as ‍one⁣ of Hollywood’s most‌ versatile actors.


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