New Head Appointed for Australia’s Federal Cyber, Signals Intelligence Agency

The deputy director-general of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD)​ will assume the top role ⁢next month, according ‌to an announcement by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. ⁢Abigail Bradshaw, currently serving as the​ deputy director-general, will succeed ⁣outgoing Director-General Rachel Noble. The ASD ⁤is a crucial agency ​in the ⁢ongoing fight against ⁤foreign-initiated cyber-attacks.

The ASD’s primary ⁢function is to collect and analyze electronic signals⁣ from various communication systems, radio frequencies, and electronic data transmissions. Its mission is to​ inform,⁤ protect, ‌and disrupt ​in order to defend Australia’s interests. In addition to countering cyber threats, the‌ ASD also⁤ intercepts intelligence ⁤related to national concerns such⁣ as terrorism, ⁣weapons proliferation, and organized crime.

Before her appointment as deputy director-general in March 2020, Bradshaw held ​the position of​ head of the Australian Cyber⁣ Security⁣ Centre. During her tenure there, she led responses‌ to significant cyber incidents. ⁢Her expertise in both cyber and national security matters makes her well-suited for leading efforts against global cyber threats at the helm of the directorate.

Prime Minister‌ Albanese emphasized that Bradshaw’s appointment comes ‍at a time ​when complex geostrategic challenges are on⁢ the rise. ⁤He believes that her expertise will be crucial in⁣ ensuring that ASD continues its mission⁣ of protecting Australia.

Defence Minister Richard Marles expressed confidence in Bradshaw’s ability to lead⁢ ASD effectively. ​As head of ASD’s Australian Cyber Security Centre previously, ⁤she fostered ⁣strong relationships with key figures within Australia’s‌ Five Eyes partners and other important players​ in cybersecurity.

Bradshaw ⁢herself⁢ stated that it is an honor for her to be named as ASD’s newest ​director-general. She affirmed that ⁢their focus would remain on supporting the Australian Defence Force while collecting foreign signals ⁢intelligence and conducting offensive cyber ⁣operations.

It should be noted that ASD ​has undertaken a major ⁢capacity ‌increase initiative known as REDSPICE (Resilience—Effects—Defence—Space—Intelligence—Cyber—Enablers). This project aims to enhance offensive ⁤cyber⁤ capability by threefold compared to current levels while ⁣doubling capacity for persistent cyber-hunt activities and⁤ quadrupling its global footprint. Advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and⁤ cloud technology⁢ will play a significant role ⁢in this ​expansion effort which will result in ‌1,900 new positions being created within ASD for analysts and technologists.


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