New Honda-affiliated Startup Introduces Compact and Lightweight Device for Assisting Visually Impaired Individuals with Navigation

Honda ⁢Motor Co.-affiliated​ startup⁤ Ashirase, Inc. has ⁢introduced a new device designed⁢ to assist visually impaired individuals⁢ in reaching their⁤ destination.​ The device, called “Ashirase ⁣2,” is worn on the shoes and uses vibrations to ​guide users based on information ‌received from a smartphone app.

Once the destination is entered into the ‍dedicated app, the insteps, sides, and heels​ of the ⁤shoes vibrate to⁣ indicate‌ whether users are facing the correct direction,​ which way to turn, and when to‌ make a turn. ‍This⁤ helps guide them towards​ their intended destination.

Ashirase was established as part of a Honda program ‍that encourages employees to create new business units or independent startups. The company developed Ashirase⁣ 2 based on ​feedback⁤ received from users of its previous model ⁢launched in ⁣2023. The new model is now 15% smaller​ and weighs⁤ only 55 grams per shoe.

To⁣ enhance location accuracy, ⁤Ashirase incorporated technology used in automated vehicle driving‍ systems. The price for Ashirase 2 is set‌ at ¥54,000 with additional ⁤usage fees required.

“We have set​ a target of ​selling 2,200 units annually ⁣and‍ plan⁢ to expand⁣ our sales overseas by⁣ summer 2025,”⁢ said Wataru Chino, CEO of Ashirase.

The introduction of this innovative ⁢device aims to provide visually impaired individuals with ‍greater independence and assistance‌ in ⁤navigating their surroundings. With its compact design and improved functionality, ‌Ashirase’s ‍Ashirase 2 offers an accessible solution for those who require visual guidance while traveling.


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