Ohio Secretary Of State Testifies on Voter Fraud and Removal of Noncitizens from Voter Rolls

During a House Administration⁣ Committee hearing on Wednesday, Ohio ⁢Secretary of State Frank LaRose voiced ‍his endorsement of the SAVE Act, which seeks to tackle the issue of ⁣noncitizen voting. LaRose testified about “voter fraud” ‍and emphasized that his office takes action to remove noncitizens from voter rolls.

The SAVE Act, short for Securing America’s Voting Equipment Act, aims to enhance election security ⁤by implementing measures such as requiring states to use⁢ paper ​ballots and conducting post-election audits. It also addresses concerns ⁢regarding noncitizens participating in the electoral process.

Secretary LaRose’s testimony shed light on the steps taken​ by his office to​ ensure that only eligible voters are included in Ohio’s voter rolls. He affirmed⁣ that they actively work towards removing noncitizens from these lists.

While it is crucial for every eligible citizen to exercise⁤ their right to vote, it is equally important to maintain the integrity of the electoral system. Noncitizen⁣ voting can undermine this integrity and compromise the democratic process.

The discussion surrounding noncitizen‍ voting has been a topic of debate across various states in⁣ recent years. Advocates argue that strict⁤ identification requirements may disenfranchise certain groups of voters, ‌while opponents stress the significance of preventing any form of voter fraud.

As Secretary LaRose testified before the House Administration Committee, his support for ⁤the ⁣SAVE Act demonstrates Ohio’s commitment to addressing this issue and ensuring fair elections for all citizens.



  • @bendillard5946

    If we find out Ohio is signed up illegals to vote we need to force All of the state to be disqualified period!!!

  • @SusanBuchser

    Mexicans are also Americans Guatemalans are also Americans peruvians are also Americans I hope you mean the United States citizens I hope you mean the United States of America and not all of America I hope the people at the polls understand that too

  • @m_avery6479

    He’s the biggest snake of all!!!!!!

  • @SusanBuchser

    The driver's license is not a proof of citizenship

  • @SusanBuchser

    Every citizen has the right to vote not the right to register to vote but the right to vote and have the vote counted read your 14th Amendment anything less than that is cheating

  • @SusanBuchser

    No computers

  • @SusanBuchser

    Transparency we want transparency paper ballots it's the only way

  • @SusanBuchser

    He thinks his s*** doesn't stink😂😂😂

  • @user-fd1mv8dl9q

    Lots of self congratulation, seemingly deserved.

  • @joedoe6444

    the difference between todays immigrants (particularly the illegal ones) and the immigrants of the past that built this country into a shining example of freedom around the world is, our forefathers didn't get squat from the government back in the day, they had to find work, find housing and scratch out a living in hopes of making their children's lives better than theirs. they didn't expect handouts, just the freedom to live their lives with less government burden than the countries they came from. today's immigrants want the whole American dream given to them on day one and the government is just fine giving them everything they want. free health care, free housing, free food, free driver's license, free credit cards that are recharged monthly, free phones, easy to get no collateral loans (the reason so many hotels and convenience stores are owned by immigrants) and so many other benefits that the citizens who live here do not get so easily.

  • @user-bo5zd4mm8h

    Citizen of other countries should NOT be allowed to vote in American citizen’s elections.

  • @lindafarrell8250

    Shouldn't have been on the voter rolls in the first place! Im sick of the hypocrisy,lies and the theft of our elections! We the citizens in every state needs to get in touch with, governors to see if citizens can sign up to prosecute states that cheat us !

  • Every state should be required to have the same laws of voting. The process is too unwieldy for a country of this size. We are no longer the 13 colonies!! BTW- I’m sure I could walk in to France, the UK, Canada et al & just say “ I’m here to vote” and they would happily just give me a ballot. This is a disgrace to our constitution, our nation, OUR CITIZENS 😡😡

  • @blainebates1067

    Non citizens should have never been on voter rolls to start with. Now ask who put them on the rolls.

  • @user-fb2kp5jd2b

    Great Report

  • @SusanBuchser

    600 bad names that could change an election is still not acceptable and since it got you probably in the office of course you want to erase the fingerprints blaming the scapegoat

  • @SusanBuchser

    We don't need a separate list the only thing that would save you from telling lies if you suggested we move to the Social Security list so that there would be checks and balance on the list of citizens. No citizen should have to register to vote have their vote counted we are citizens you the state needs to know who is a citizen and who gets to vote

  • @SusanBuchser

    He's complaining about the process of being legitimate are you hearing that too he has to put in the information manually and get a special number oh I'm so sorry that you actually have to do your job

  • @stealth9tn

    They brought in illegal immigrants to change the election out come.

  • @user-vr1zd9uc1b

    Prove your words

  • @Leftywrecker

    So when will we rise against the satanist democrat party?

  • @joannecorinella8526

    You are doing a great job I wish other people would do the same thing that you doing thank you thank you thank you for the country that we love so much amen


    Heck yes we don't vote in Russia make sure they don't vote here.

  • @Jeff-xn1ew

    Our U.S. constitution states, You have to be a American citizens to vote in our elections period.

  • @michaelthomas366

    How do these non citizens get on the voter rolls in the first place?

  • @TERRY-cb2ku

    DMVs are complicit in many places registering illegals.

  • @juliemorgan4937

    All states need to clean their voter rolls NOW
    And yearly …..
    It used to be a federal law… wonder what happened to that law???
    No illegal border hopper invaders voting in America's elections, none, zero, zip,
    We, the legal American citizens, are required forced to get a federal real ID just to get on a plane and travel our own country . This ID proves we are legal citizens .
    So why did they make this federal ID law ????
    Keep America's elections safe ,
    Do your jobs ….
    Democrats need to sign the safe voter act , prove to the legal American citizens that their not corrupt, prove it to us, your bosses…..
    You all work for WE THE PEOPLE…. DO NOT FORGET THAT …..

  • @marktwain2053

    How long have those people been ON the voter rolls?

    I'm betting since before 2020, and it's probably very wide spread, especially in the Blue States.

  • @JescaML

    They lie they didn’t remove them because they are needed for democrat votes

  • @kevinwithers6083

    When is the Demon-Rat party going to be held accountable ? It's obvious why they opened the border, it's obvious why we had mail in ballots in our last election.. every single Democrat voted against voter IDs shocker…

  • @lumberjack297

    Remove? Why are they on it to begin with?

  • @reynaldovelasquez1087

    Ok, they removed 'non-citizens' from voters rolls; what are the consequences for their actions?.

  • @taurusx1000

    So that means in 2020;there were non citizens voting, despite the media claims that everything was fine, isn't that fraud and how many of them voted, how many are still on the voters list in the swing states ,how did they get their names on the list.. questions that the house republicans should have been asking two years ago , instead of useless inquires that ended in nothing

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