Pentagon Spokesperson Expects USS Abraham to Arrive in Middle East Soon

During a ⁤recent⁣ Pentagon press ‌briefing, Air Force Major General Pat Ryder addressed questions⁤ from reporters. The spokesperson provided information on various ‍topics, which ​can be viewed in ‌the video embedded above.

The briefing covered a range of‍ subjects, ‌but‌ specific ‍details were not provided‌ in the article. To gain‍ a ‌better understanding of the information⁢ shared during the‌ press conference, viewers are encouraged to⁢ watch⁢ the video by clicking on the ​source link provided.

Please note that this article does not provide a summary or analysis of the briefing. It‌ simply informs readers‌ about its existence and directs⁣ them to the source for more information.


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