Philippines Asserts Right to Escoda Shoal Amid CCP Rhetoric

The ‌Chinese Communist Party (CCP)‌ has consistently asserted its control over the entire South China Sea, disregarding agreements it has previously⁣ signed. Recently, on August 16th, a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of ​Foreign⁤ Affairs declared that the Escoda Shoal, known as Xianbin Jiao in China, belongs to Chinese territory. In‍ response to this claim, Commodore Jay Tarriela of the Philippine Coast Guard stated that the Escoda Shoal is actually part⁤ of Philippine territory.

Tarriela emphasized that according ⁤to international law, specifically the United Nations Convention on the ‌Law of the Sea and a 2016 ruling from The Hague, which rejected China’s claim over certain territories in favor of the Philippines’ historical fishing rights. He further explained that ⁣under these legal frameworks, the Philippine Coast Guard has ⁣full authority to patrol and protect against illegal activities within⁢ their Exclusive Economic Zone without seeking permission from any other ​country.

Despite these international rulings and agreements, China continues to disregard them. Tarriela pointed out that China ‍frequently violates even its own commitments outlined in​ the 2002 Declaration on Conduct of Parties in South China Sea. He criticized Beijing for deploying large Coast Guard vessels and Maritime Militia as well as naval⁤ assets in​ Escoda Shoal. These actions not only⁤ undermine stability but also contribute to escalating tensions in this strategic region.

The Philippines expressed concern for their crew’s safety after encounters with Chinese military forces. In response, China defended its actions as “professional” and “justified,” accusing Philippine air force interference with routine operations ⁤instead. Commodore Tarriela urged Beijing‍ to respond diplomatically and take responsible action while emphasizing his country’s commitment to peaceful resolutions.

The South China Sea holds⁢ significant importance due to ⁣its ⁤rich oil and ⁣natural resources deposits as well as being a crucial military zone for both China and the United States.⁣ With an estimated $3 trillion worth of trade passing through annually, maintaining stability in this region is vital for global economic ⁣interests.

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