Possible Delay in Completion of Aomori N-Reprocessing Plant to 2027; 27th Postponement Since 1993 Construction

Japan Nuclear⁢ Fuel Ltd. (JNFL) is reportedly​ considering yet another ⁤delay in the completion of its‍ spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Aomori Prefecture. This would mark the 27th postponement since‌ construction began in 1993.

Originally, JNFL had set ⁤a target to finish the ⁢plant, located in the village of Rokkasho, by the end of September. However, due‍ to new regulatory requirements established after‌ the ​March 2011 earthquake,⁣ which necessitate‍ inspections⁣ by⁤ the Nuclear Regulation​ Authority (NRA), JNFL now believes it will need an additional ‌2½ years to meet ⁣these requirements.

The official decision on how long to push back the completion target will be⁤ made ⁢after a⁢ meeting held by NRA later this month. During this meeting, ‌they will review and approve the plant’s designs ‌and construction ‍schedule.

The reprocessing plant plays a crucial ⁤role in Japan’s nuclear ⁣fuel cycle policy, where spent nuclear fuel from power plants is reprocessed to extract plutonium ⁤and⁢ uranium for further use as nuclear fuel. The central government ‍has been actively promoting this ⁣policy.

Since its initial target completion‌ date of 1997, JNFL has faced numerous delays primarily​ due to errors found in documents submitted by the operator to regulatory authorities.

In⁣ addition to this delay news, there are plans for a temporary‍ storage facility for spent nuclear fuel set to open in Mutsu, Aomori Prefecture by September. The central government has been considering using Rokkasho as a destination for spent fuel from this facility. However, ​if there are further delays with ⁢completing Rokkasho plant​ itself, concerns about securing an appropriate ⁣destination for⁢ spent fuel may arise.


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