Prosecutors seek exclusion of lay judges in Gyoza King murder trial

Prosecutors in Kyoto have⁤ requested ⁢that the trial of a ‍gang leader,‌ who was⁢ arrested for the murder of the president of⁤ Gyoza no Ohsho, be held⁣ without lay judges. Yukio​ Tanaka, ​a 57-year-old member of a group associated ‌with the yakuza​ crime syndicate Kudo-kai,⁤ was ​taken into custody in October ​2022 ⁣on suspicion of killing ⁣Takayuki Ohigashi. The incident occurred ​in December 2013 when Ohigashi, then head ⁢of Ohsho Food Service Corp, was shot dead in a ⁤parking⁢ lot outside the​ company’s headquarters in Kyoto.

According to NHK reports, prosecutors expressed‍ concerns that ‍lay judges ⁣could face intimidation and threats from gang members. ⁢Currently, ⁣pre-trial preparation ⁤procedures are ‌being ⁣finalized.

Ohigashi, ‍known as the‌ “Gyoza ​King,” suffered⁣ four gunshot wounds to ⁢his‌ chest and abdomen from a .25-caliber ‍automatic weapon ⁤as he exited his car at⁤ the Yamashina ⁤Ward parking lot. Surprisingly, ⁣several hundred thousand yen in‌ cash were⁢ discovered untouched inside his vehicle.

During their ⁣investigation into the⁣ crime scene‌ two months⁤ prior to ‍the murder, police found traces‍ of gunshot residue on a​ stolen‌ motorcycle’s​ handlebar believed to have been‌ used as an escape ​vehicle. ⁣Additionally, another⁣ stolen motor scooter was ‍suspected ​to have been ‌involved​ in this ⁢incident. Both vehicles ​were eventually ‍recovered​ near where‌ the crime took place during spring 2014.

Tanaka’s arrest⁤ came after DNA evidence from ‍a cigarette ⁣butt ⁣found near‍ the ⁤scene matched his genetic profile.⁢ Investigative sources ⁢revealed⁢ that Tanaka smoked cigarettes of this brand at that ​time.

Currently serving time⁣ for ​shooting at ​an Obayashi Corp company⁢ car carrying ‌three individuals back​ in⁢ 2008 ⁣Fukuoka incident; Tanaka⁤ received a ten-year prison ⁣sentence⁢ handed down in‍ November 2020.

In March 2016, an independent committee⁣ investigating connections ⁣between Ohsho Food​ Service and antisocial organizations disclosed inappropriate business ‌transactions between the company and its former⁣ corporate group leader before ​Ohigashi ‍assumed control in‌ 2000.

Ohsho Food Service is listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange’s top-tier⁤ Prime Market ‍and operates over 700 Gyoza ⁤no Ohsho Chinese dumpling restaurants across Japan since ‌its establishment back⁣ in⁤ 1967.


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