RCMP’s Special Program Countering CCP in Quebec: An Analysis

Toronto and Vancouver, known for having the largest⁢ Chinese and Hong Kong diaspora populations ⁢in Canada, ⁢have been overshadowed by Quebec in⁤ terms of a special program launched by the RCMP⁤ to ⁢encourage reporting of Chinese​ Communist Party (CCP) harassment. The program aims‍ to combat a ⁢prevailing “climate of terror” and‌ empower community ⁣members to speak out against threats.

According to an RCMP spokesperson in Quebec, this initiative⁤ does​ not necessarily indicate ‌that CCP harassment ‌is more prevalent in the province compared to other parts of⁢ Canada. Instead, it‍ highlights the ​proactive approach taken by the Quebec ‌RCMP unit.

Michel Juneau-Katsuya,‌ former chief of the⁤ Asia-Pacific unit at CSIS, commends the Montreal‍ group for their innovative⁣ work on national security. ‍He clarifies that this ⁤does not⁢ imply greater vigilance⁤ from ⁣Quebec’s political class as⁣ a whole but rather ⁢recognizes the leadership shown by the​ local RCMP unit.

The Montreal group has even initiated patrols in Chinatown after reports surfaced about attempts to intimidate ⁤community members‌ and shop owners. Scott McGregor,⁣ a former⁤ intelligence operator and adviser to the RCMP, credits ‌Junueau-Katsuya for raising awareness ⁢about ​CCP interference in Quebec​ through consultations and‌ training for law enforcement.

However, McGregor also points out ​that immigration programs in Quebec‍ have‌ made‍ it an ⁤entry point‌ from China. This has allowed unvetted CCP operatives into Canada over time. Additionally, many influential ‌companies involved in Canada-China trade relations‌ are based in Quebec.

While some pro-Beijing activists may be keeping a low profile ⁣amidst increased scrutiny​ on China’s interference activities in ‌Toronto and ⁢Vancouver,‌ those based in Montreal appear more brazen.

Following media reports on China’s interference since late 2022, which ‌prompted⁣ pressure ‌from opposition parties,‍ the federal government initiated a public ​inquiry into this‍ issue. The ‌ongoing inquiry is expected to release its final report later this⁢ year.

Diaspora groups have⁢ long struggled with reporting⁤ cases of CCP interference. They believe ⁤resources should be advertised​ nationwide​ so that individuals facing ⁢harassment or‍ intimidation can seek help anywhere within Canada.

In response to‌ queries about why this⁣ program was‍ only launched in Quebec instead of nationwide given that RCMP is⁤ a national police force,Sgt.Kim Chamberland stated that​ while originating from⁢ INSET-Eastern Region,the video⁢ was amplified nationally as ‌foreign interference is not unique to Quebec.She emphasized that support​ mechanisms are available for all individuals​ living within Canadian communities regardless of their nationality.

For decades ⁤prior until‍ recently when there was no clear definition regarding foreign interference,the police ⁤were unable take action despite‌ community ‌reports due ​lack clarity surrounding such incidents


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