Release of US Citizen by Chinese Regime After Almost 20 Years

The ⁢Chinese⁤ regime has ​released‌ American citizen and ⁢pastor David Lin,​ who was⁢ arrested ⁣and sentenced to life‍ in prison ⁤while assisting a group​ of⁣ house Christians ‍during a missionary trip to ‌China in 2006.‍ The Department of State expressed its‌ satisfaction with ⁣Lin’s release, stating that he has returned to the United States after nearly 20 years and will‌ finally be able ‌to reunite with his family.

Under the rule of the ⁢Chinese ​Communist Party (CCP), Christianity is tightly controlled, ‌requiring registration⁤ and worship within CCP-controlled churches.‍ Independent Christians who do ‌not adhere to CCP doctrines face religious ​persecution ‌and are often referred to as house ‍Christians because they gather in ⁣private ⁣homes.

Last year, U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas‌ Burns had the opportunity to meet ⁤with three U.S. citizens who were wrongfully‌ detained by China. These individuals included Kai‍ Li, charged with spying; ​Mark⁣ Swidan, a Texas-based businessman given the⁣ death ‌penalty ⁢on drug charges; and David Lin.

Lin’s family has been advocating for his release for many years. Shortly before⁤ President Joe ⁢Biden⁤ met with⁣ Chinese ⁤regime leader Xi Jinping in 2022, Lin’s life sentence was reduced to 24 years.

According​ to the U.S. Commission ‌on International Religious⁣ Freedom (USCIRF), until 2019, Lin was translating the Bible into Chinese and ministering to⁢ fellow prisoners. However, he stopped⁢ these ⁢activities around the same time⁣ concerns arose about his declining health‌ and safety.

In an interview conducted last year by Alice Lin, David Lin’s⁤ daughter spoke about their concerns when her father urgently ⁢requested that his Bible translations ‍be removed ‌from the U.S. embassy premises.​ The⁣ family received a box containing these translations as well as his Bible and other personal items ⁢they had sent him over the years.

The United States ‍recently engaged in diplomatic talks with China at⁣ which National ‍Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized securing the release of wrongfully detained American citizens as a priority ​for both countries.

“These meetings were also about managing tough issues,” Sullivan stated​ during a press conference following the⁢ talks. “It​ is ⁢a top⁢ priority for this administration to resolve cases involving American citizens who are wrongfully ⁤detained or subject to ‍exit bans in China.”


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