Report Calls for DOJ Investigation into China’s United Front Groups and Violence in San Francisco

Two U.S.-based advocacy groups ⁣are urging the ⁣Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the⁢ activities of​ Chinese regime’s United Front foreign influence organizations in the United States. The Hong​ Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) ⁣and Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) have identified​ groups responsible for street violence ‌in San Francisco during⁢ Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s visit in 2023.

Using open-source research and facial ⁣recognition technology, HKDC and SFT have released a report that identifies individuals aligned with the Chinese Communist Party ⁣(CCP) who ‌allegedly assaulted peaceful pro-democracy protesters during​ Xi’s visit.⁣ The report states ‍that 19 ‍leaders of CCP’s ⁢United Front groups were present in San Francisco, with 12 of them participating in attacks against protesters.

The two advocacy groups are​ urging​ the DOJ to investigate whether ‍these United Front groups are acting as unregistered foreign agents of China, ‌violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. They also call on the DOJ to‌ explore potential criminal liabilities related​ to transnational repression.

During Xi’s visit, ‍peaceful protests against CCP’s human‍ rights ‍violations took ⁢place at ⁣various locations across San Francisco. However, ‍these protests were​ marred⁤ by violence allegedly committed by Xi’s ⁢supporters and ​pro-CCP demonstrators.⁣ The ⁢report ​documents 34 cases of harassment, intimidation, and assault.

Rep. ⁢John⁣ Moolenaar ​has condemned these attacks as an ‍outrageous violation⁢ of American sovereignty and values. He has ​called ​on the FBI and⁤ San ⁤Francisco Police Department to hold those responsible ‍accountable.

The ‌CCP leverages a network of groups under its control to carry out its “united front“​ strategy overseas. These groups aim to exert ⁣influence over Chinese diaspora communities while promoting favorable narratives about China​ under CCP rule.

The report highlights specific incidents involving ⁤United Front leaders during Xi’s​ visit. For example, Li⁢ Huahong ‍from the Chinese Anti-Cult World Alliance is⁢ alleged to have attacked activist Jia Junwei outside a hotel where⁣ Xi was staying. Another incident involved Li Huanjun being harassed by CCP supporters after being hit with a flagpole.

HKDC and ⁣SFT ‍criticize local authorities in ⁣San Francisco for not adequately protecting ⁣protesters during these events. They recommend targeted sanctions against individuals involved in transnational repression⁢ and urge Congress⁣ to pass ⁢legislation addressing this ​issue.

Silence or lack of action could signal ‌that China can continue its‍ efforts to silence, ⁢intimidate,‌ and inflict violence on those it perceives as enemies abroad without consequences.


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