Russian Advancement in Ukrainian Territory Coincides with Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Visit to US

Russia has made new ⁣advances in​ Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region while President Volodymyr⁤ Zelenskyy traveled to the ‌US to discuss plans for ending ⁣the war. According⁣ to Denis ‍Pushilin, the Russian-installed governor of Donetsk, ⁤Moscow’s forces have captured the town of Ukrainsk near Pokrovsk, a logistical hub. Ukrainian⁣ group⁣ DeepState, which‍ monitors ⁤the​ battlefield and‌ has ties to Ukraine’s‌ defense ministry, confirmed ⁤these​ territorial gains on Wednesday.

DeepState also reported that Russian forces⁤ are making‌ progress and appear closer to⁣ encircling Vulhedar and Kurakove, ‌two towns further south in the same area. If ​these⁣ towns fall, it would‍ allow Russia’s‌ forces to ⁤encircle and take Pokrovsk, cutting off Ukraine’s main supply line.

Ukraine’s manpower and ‌weapons deficits have contributed to Russia’s recent advances in the region. Despite Kyiv’s surprise incursion ⁤into Russia’s⁣ southern Kursk ‍region last month, there has been no ​Russian ‍redeployment from Donetsk. Instead, Moscow has‍ redirected ⁢troops from other areas to defend its own territory.

However, Ukrainian ⁤forces have claimed some gains in ‌the northern border area ⁤of Kharkiv region where Russia occupied land in May.

Zelenskyy is scheduled to meet ⁢with⁤ US President Joe Biden on Thursday and present him⁤ with a four-point‌ “Victory Plan” aimed at forcing Russia into negotiations. The‌ details of ⁣this ​plan ​have not been disclosed publicly but Andriy ‍Yermak, head of the Ukrainian⁢ presidential administration stated that it ‍includes ​an invitation for‌ Ukraine ‌to join NATO.

Ukraine applied for NATO membership soon after Russia invaded in 2022 but no specific timeline has⁢ been committed by NATO so far. Membership would mean ​that any further Russian attack on⁢ Ukraine would be considered an attack on‍ all alliance members – ‍a​ prospect that many allies are cautious about.

Zelenskyy⁣ revealed last week that his plan also includes‌ US security ⁤guarantees for Ukraine as well as delivering⁣ more advanced⁣ weapons and using ⁤Kursk as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Russia. He wants this plan implemented before Biden ​leaves office early next year⁤ if there is a Republican victory⁤ in November’s US⁢ presidential elections.

It remains uncertain whether Zelenskyy will meet⁢ with Republican candidate Donald Trump during his visit ⁣to the US. Trump previously referred to Zelenskyy as “the greatest salesman in history” after promising multiple times ⁤during his ​campaign trail speeches that ⁢he ⁣could end the war “in​ a day,” suggesting potential capitulation on ⁤Moscow’s terms.

During his address at UN headquarters in ‌New York City on​ Tuesday, Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia must⁤ be compelled into peace‌ and ruled out⁤ accepting‍ a frozen conflict scenario which ‌he believes ‍would only lead to another invasion under worse circumstances.


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