Study Finds TikTok Algorithms Suppress Criticism of Chinese Regime

China-owned video-sharing app TikTok is allegedly using its algorithms ⁤to suppress content that exposes China’s human rights violations, according to a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers University and the Network Contagion Research Institute ⁣(NCRI). The study found that TikTok’s algorithms ‍actively suppress content ⁢critical of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while simultaneously promoting pro-China propaganda and irrelevant content.

The researchers discovered that⁢ TikTok systematically shuts down sensitive discussions about issues like ethnic‌ genocide‌ and human rights abuses by utilizing travel‌ influencers, frontier lifestyle accounts, and other ‌CCP-linked content creators. This manipulation of the platform aims to shape⁢ the​ views of its targeted users.

TikTok⁢ has faced scrutiny‍ in recent years ​due⁣ to concerns about national ‌security. As a China-based company owned by ByteDance, there are fears that it could be compelled by the CCP to hand over data ‍on U.S. users. The U.S. National⁣ Security Agency has ‍referred to TikTok as a “Trojan horse” that poses a long-term security threat due to⁢ the CCP’s anti-U.S. views. Some​ lawmakers have‍ even compared the app to “digital fentanyl” because of⁣ its addictive nature.

In response ⁣to these allegations, President Joe Biden signed a bipartisan measure into law in‍ April requiring ByteDance to sell‍ TikTok or face being banned from‌ U.S. mobile⁢ app stores and ‌web-hosting services. However, ByteDance and TikTok have ​filed a lawsuit⁣ challenging⁢ the constitutionality ​of ‍this law.

The study also revealed that TikTok has successfully‍ indoctrinated its users, particularly⁤ heavy users who spend more time on the app. These users appear ‌to absorb biased narratives unknowingly, leading them towards‍ a distorted understanding of critical global ⁣issues related to China.

A ‍spokesperson for TikTok‌ dismissed the ‌findings as ⁢flawed and engineered towards reaching predetermined ‌conclusions. They ‌cited previous research conducted by NCRI ⁢which had been debunked by outside⁤ analysts.

To ‍conduct ⁢their study, researchers created 24 accounts across TikTok, Instagram, and ⁣youtube mimicking 16-year-old American users’ profiles. They tested ‍each platform’s algorithms using four different search keywords associated with CCP human​ rights abuses:​ “Uyghur,” “Xinjiang,” ‍”Tibet,” and “Tiananmen.” Over 3,400 videos were collected based on⁣ these⁣ search results⁤ and classified⁢ as pro-China, ‍anti-China neutral or irrelevant.

The report highlighted‍ significant differences in how each platform handled this content related to Xinjiang, Tiananmen Square protests in 1989,and Tibet-related issues.The report concluded that there appears to be⁤ bias favoring pro-China content on Tiktok compared with youtube or Instagram when it comes ⁢specifically viewing per like engagement levels

Additionally,the researchers surveyed 1 ,214 American tiktokers seeking their perception based on time ​spent on tiktok.The survey showed heavy tiktok user had an increase positivity toward ​ccp’s human right records ⁤relative nonusers .This suggests psychological manipulation through tiktok’s‍ contents aligns with​ ccp’s strategic ⁣objective shaping favorable perceptions among young audiences

Based⁢ on their ⁢findings,the researchers recommended creating Civic⁤ Trust funded social media platforms ‌public help identify platforms manipulating user perceptions.They emphasized accountability corrective measures ensure platforms not exploited state actors erode democratic institutions values


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