Summer Sales Surge as Temperatures Rise; Consumers Snatch Up Portable Air Conditioners and Parasols

The summer shopping season is ‌in full ​swing as temperatures continue⁤ to rise. Alongside the usual popular items like beer and ice cream, sales of products that help ‌keep⁢ people cool have been higher than usual. ⁢Retailers ⁣have been adjusting their sales strategies to adapt to the heat, which is expected to persist into autumn.

One of the hottest-selling items this‍ summer is portable air conditioners, also known as spot coolers. These devices are easy⁢ to use and do not require⁢ installation. Sales of portable air conditioners at ⁤Cainz hardware stores increased by 26% in July compared to ⁣the same period last ⁣year. They are typically used in areas like kitchens and⁤ dressing rooms ⁤where​ traditional air conditioners are not installed.

Umbrellas that can double ⁢as parasols ​have also seen a significant increase in sales at Cainz, with a 250% overall‌ increase⁣ and a 300% increase for those marketed towards men. According⁤ to a‍ Cainz official, “Heat waves in recent years have changed consumer ⁢behavior.”

Don Quijote​ discount stores have experienced a surge in sales of powerful electric fans from ⁢their Strong Fan Series, with ‌a 130% increase from April to ⁤July compared to last year.

In addition to these cooling products, standard summer staples like Kirin Ichiban beer and body wipes are also selling well. Kirin Brewery Co. has increased its ⁢production plan for Kirin Ichiban beer by about 10% for July‍ and August.

Some businesses are adjusting their ​sales tactics due to the extreme ​heat. Sanyo Shokai Ltd., a major apparel company, has extended its ⁢summer sales season from ‍three months to five months this year. They divided the season into two periods: “early and mid-summer” from May to July, and “extreme heat” from ⁣August through September.

Matsuya Ginza department store has delayed⁤ its summer⁢ sale drive by ⁤about three ‍weeks ⁤because they anticipate demand for summer items will continue into September. By prolonging ​the sale‌ period without ⁢discounting prices, they aim to increase overall annual sales.

Leisure facilities are also taking action during this hot weather period. Yomiuriland amusement park has extended its “After Pass” promotion which offers ⁣discounted admission fees ⁢after 3⁤ p.m., including entrance⁤ fees for swimming pools.

With‍ central Tokyo experiencing 19 ⁤days⁣ with temperatures reaching or exceeding ⁢35 degrees Celsius so far this year – on ‍par with‍ last year’s record-breaking numbers – it is expected ⁢that intense heat will persist⁣ for some time.

Accordingly, consumption ⁢tends to increase as temperatures rise up until around 35 degrees Celsius but then drops off when they exceed that threshold due people being reluctant go out in excessive heat according an⁣ estimate​ by Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.
Takuya Hoshino,the institute’s chief economist said,”While ⁤high prices and other ‍factors restrict consumer behavior companies need be mindful of ‘too hot summers’ which could cool down consumption.”


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