Survey Finds 3% of English Teachers Exclusively Use Digital Textbooks, While 88% Utilize Both Paper and Digital Formats

According to a survey conducted by the Finance Ministry, only 3% of English teachers in elementary and junior high ⁣schools ‌exclusively use digital textbooks. The majority, 88%, prefer to use a combination⁣ of both ​paper ‍and digital textbooks. This finding suggests that many teachers ‍still favor the use of traditional ‌paper textbooks over their digital⁣ counterparts. ​A Finance Ministry official analyzed ⁤the results, stating that it appears paper textbooks are more ⁤familiar and widely used compared to digital textbooks.

The survey involved 983 elementary ‍and junior ‍high school teachers who were asked ⁢about their usage of digital textbooks in⁢ fiscal year 2023. In recent years, students have been provided with learning terminals where digitized versions of paper textbooks can be ⁢accessed. These ⁢digitized ​versions are referred to⁣ as digital textbooks.

The government introduced digital textbooks in fiscal⁣ year 2021 and has since been evaluating their effectiveness and⁣ impact ⁣on education. In August 2022, the⁢ Education ​Ministry announced a ‌policy allowing for⁤ the simultaneous use of⁣ both ‌paper and digital textbooks.

When asked⁢ about⁢ their preference between paper and ⁤digital when using both together, 35% of respondents stated they used digital more frequently than paper, while 53%⁢ reported‌ using⁤ paper more often‌ than its electronic counterpart. ​Additionally, an additional‌ 9% exclusively ‌relied on traditional paper textbooks. this ⁣indicates​ that‍ over 60% of teachers still ‍lean towards⁤ using‌ physical books.

Manabu Sato, ‌a professor emeritus at the University ⁤of Tokyo specializing in school education, expressed his opinion ‍on this matter. He believes that‍ utilizing⁣ digital resources is unnecessary ‌when content is already available in physical form through traditional books. Instead, he suggests leveraging‍ technology like programming‍ as a supplementary tool for learning ‍alongside conventional educational materials.

As discussions ⁤continue regarding the‌ expansion of digital textbook⁣ usage within ‌schools across Japan’s education ​system remains divided between those who embrace technological advancements and those who prefer‍ sticking with tried-and-true methods involving printed materials.


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