Texas Conducts Raids on Democrats’ Homes in Election Fraud Investigation

A Latino civil⁣ rights group is demanding a federal investigation into ‍the Texas attorney general’s ‍office following raids on the homes of several Democrats in the San Antonio area. These raids were conducted as ⁤part ‍of an investigation ‍into alleged vote harvesting. Manuel‍ Medina, chief of staff for ‌Democrat ‍state‍ Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Campos, ⁣was among‌ those ⁤served with a search⁢ warrant ‍during the raid on his home. The homes of Democrat state ⁤house candidate Cecilia Castellano and members of⁢ the Texas League of⁣ United ⁣Latin American Citizens (LULAC) were also ⁢searched.

Medina, who is a former head⁢ of the Bexar ​County Democratic⁢ Party⁤ and a political ‌consultant for Castellano’s campaign, has not been charged with any crimes related to these raids. However, LULAC ⁢officials have expressed outrage ⁣and accused‍ authorities ⁤of voter suppression.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released a‍ statement explaining that warrants were issued as part of an ongoing election integrity case in⁢ Frio, ‌Atascosa, and ​Bexar counties. The investigation was initiated based on allegations of election fraud ​and vote harvesting⁤ during‌ the 2022‍ election.

In response to these raids,⁣ LULAC leaders, state legislators, and activists staged a ⁤protest outside Paxton’s San Antonio office. They accused him of targeting Latinos for political ⁤gain and called on the Civil Rights ⁢Office of the⁢ Department ⁣of Justice to ⁤investigate his office.

Roman Palomares, national president of LULAC, stated at the protest that this ⁢was ⁤voter intimidation and vowed to fight for every Latino’s right to vote. He‍ also mentioned that at ​least six members’ homes⁣ had been⁤ searched.

The video footage⁣ from this protest was ⁣posted on⁢ Castellano’s facebook page where it was suggested that Paxton’s⁢ motivation behind these ⁣raids ​was to benefit her ‌Republican‍ challenger Don McLaughlin Jr., former Uvalde Mayor.

State senator José Menéndez spoke at the rally and blamed school vouchers for these actions ⁣by ‍authorities. He claimed that they were counting votes in order to ‍pass legislation like vouchers which he believed Governor Abbott considered important enough to do anything necessary.

Agents from Texas’ Election Integrity Unit seized documents, computers, and cell phones from Medina’s home as well as Castellano’s⁣ home ‌along with other LULAC⁤ members’ residences.⁣ Lydia Martinez⁢ reported that her‌ home‌ had been raided early in morning hours⁣ by‍ nine officers who questioned her about‌ her voter registration⁤ activities before confiscating⁤ her devices.

Paxton ⁤has made election integrity one ‌his ‌top ​priorities while serving as​ attorney ⁤general stating their commitment towards ​protecting ballot box security along with ensuring integrity‍ in every legal vote casted.


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