Trump Promises Largest Mass Deportation in US History

Former​ President Donald Trump held a press briefing ‌at​ Mar-A-Lago on Thursday,⁢ where he addressed questions from ⁢reporters regarding immigration. The briefing was⁤ captured ⁣in a video‍ that has been‌ shared online.

During the briefing, ⁣Trump discussed various ​aspects of immigration policy. He emphasized the need for strong‍ border security and reiterated his stance on building a wall ⁢along the US-Mexico border.⁤ He also highlighted the importance of⁤ implementing stricter ⁤immigration laws to prevent illegal entry into the country.

In⁢ response to a question about‍ DACA (Deferred Action ⁣for Childhood⁣ Arrivals), ⁤Trump expressed his opposition to the program, which provides temporary protection from deportation to certain undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as ​children. He​ argued that it incentivizes illegal immigration and called for its termination.

When asked⁢ about his plans for​ comprehensive immigration reform, Trump stated that he would prioritize securing ⁣the border before addressing other aspects of ⁢reform. He ⁤emphasized his commitment to enforcing existing ⁣laws ⁢and cracking down on sanctuary cities⁢ that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

Trump’s remarks during the press briefing reflected ⁤his longstanding views on immigration policy. His focus ‌on border security and enforcement aligns with his previous actions as president, such as implementing travel ⁤bans and attempting to end programs like DACA. The video of ​this briefing provides insight into Trump’s ⁤perspective on this contentious issue.


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