US National Security Adviser Holds Meeting with CCP Leader to Strengthen Bilateral Relations

U.S. national security adviser ⁣Jake Sullivan concluded his ​three-day visit to China with a meeting with ‍Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi ⁢Jinping. This visit‍ marks ‌the first time in ⁣eight years that a U.S. national ⁣security adviser has⁣ made such⁢ a trip.

The‌ purpose of Sullivan’s visit,‍ following similar trips by ⁢Secretary ‌of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen‍ earlier this year, is to maintain communication between the United States and China‌ and manage their bilateral relationship.

During the meeting, Sullivan and Xi discussed various issues including Taiwan, the South China Sea, and Russia’s war in ⁤Ukraine. The White House stated that both leaders welcomed ongoing efforts to‍ maintain open lines of ‌communication.

They⁤ also discussed further implementation of shared commitments on counternarcotics, military-to-military communications, and AI safety and risk. These commitments‍ were ⁤initially agreed upon ​by President Joe Biden and Xi during their meeting at the Asia-Pacific ⁤Economic Cooperation (APEC)⁤ forum ⁤in November 2023.

According to China’s state-run media, ​Xi emphasized that China would continue to⁢ handle​ its relationship with the United ‍States based on “win-win cooperation” while firmly safeguarding its sovereignty.

Su​ Tzu-yun, a senior analyst at Taiwan’s Institute ⁤for National Defense and Security ​Research, suggested that Xi’s willingness ⁢to‍ meet with Sullivan could indicate his favorable view of the​ Democratic Party’s chances in upcoming elections.

Sullivan clarified that ⁣he did not discuss the ‌upcoming U.S. election with Xi or any other CCP officials but conveyed a clear message against election interference during their meeting.

As concerns grow about foreign ⁤nations attempting to influence U.S. elections through ​disinformation campaigns or online influence operations, it is crucial for officials like Sullivan to ⁣address these issues directly with Chinese counterparts.

The White‍ House confirmed⁣ that arrangements are being made for⁤ Biden and Xi’s⁣ next phone call after‍ Sullivan held discussions with Wang Yi, China’s top diplomat. However, Beijing’s accounts did not mention this phone call but focused on⁢ discussing new rounds of engagement between leaders ‌from both countries ​instead.

Regarding military matters between‌ the‍ two nations, ‍Sullivan announced positive outcomes from his trip as they agreed ‌to⁢ arrange⁢ a call ⁣between heads of U.S Indo-Pacific Command and China’s ‍Southern Theater Command ‍soon. This move aims‌ at deepening military-to-military communication⁢ channels for future administrations’ benefit.

It is important to‍ note that Zhang Youxia—the vice chairman of CCP’s Central Military⁣ Commission—expressed during his conversation with Sullivan that promoting Taiwan’s reunification ​is part of their mission while emphasizing⁢ peace across the Taiwan Strait.


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