Work Commences on Henoko Base Relocation Project in Oura Bay

Japan’s Defense Ministry has ⁤begun its first full-scale​ U.S. base relocation work‍ in the city of Nago, Okinawa Prefecture. The work is taking place on the Oura Bay side of the Henoko coastal area and involves the construction of seawalls on soft ⁣ground. This project is part of an effort to build a replacement facility for the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma air station in Ginowan.

However, the Okinawa prefectural government is demanding that the work be halted, claiming that the ministry has⁤ not completed its‌ prior consultation with them.‍ Despite this opposition, metal stakes were driven into ​the seabed on Tuesday as protesters gathered around the site.

The discovery of soft ground on the Oura Bay side ​led to a design change in December last year. Land minister Tetsuo Saito gave proxy approval for this change​ after⁣ Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki refused⁢ to ⁣approve it. In June, the ministry’s Okinawa Defense Bureau ⁤notified the prefectural government that it ⁣would end prior consultation and begin full-scale work on Oura Bay as early as August⁤ 1.

This relocation project has been met with resistance from local residents and environmental activists who ‌are concerned about potential damage to marine life and ecosystems in Oura Bay.⁢ They argue ​that alternative options should be explored instead​ of‌ building a new⁢ base in such a sensitive area.

Despite these concerns, Japan’s Defense Ministry is moving forward with its plans for​ base relocation in Nago. The outcome of this ongoing dispute ⁣between local authorities and ⁣national defense officials remains uncertain at‍ this time.


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