“A Literal Fighter Speaks Out! George Santos Discusses Potential Replacement for His Congressional Seat – Don’t Miss It!” – The Gateway Pundit

Cara New Trump - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
Cara Castronuova with President Donald Trump

The US House of Representatives voted Friday morning on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos.

Democrats and 105 Republican lawmakers voted him out. Republicans now hold only a 3-vote majority in the House. This was not one of their finer moments. These same GOP lawmakers could not even impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas, but they gladly tossed Santos out the door.

This was the first time in our nation’s history that a lawmaker was expelled from Congress for being accused of a crime. George Santos is an innocent man. He was never found guilty by a court of law. The RINOs didn’t care. They voted him out anyway. The GOP now holds only a 3 seat majority!

There is now a movement to find a replacement for Rep. Santos.

The former New York representative has been mostly silent on the process – until today!

On Thursday former Rep. George Santos tweeted out that Cara Castronuova, a reporter for The Gateway Pundit and Newsmax, would be an excellent choice to take over the congressional seat.

On Wednesday, the Italian American Civil Rights League endorsed Cara Castronuova for the seat!

On Thursday – former Rep. George Santos AGREED, saying, “Cara is a known fighter in the literal sense! I’d love to see an actual REPUBLICAN on the ballot! Go get ‘em Cara Castronuova!”


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