Amo’s second app aims to simplify photo-sharing by making it as easy as taking a photo.

Three weeks ago, Amo released ID. Today, they’re launching Capture. Amo, founded by social app industry veterans, is making waves once again. The first app, ID, features personalized profile pages. Capture is a unique photo-sharing app, designed to encourage spontaneous and effortless photo-taking without complications of sifting through and choosing photos. With Capture, photos are immediately shared without having to go through a preview screen or having to select who to share with. This approach allows users to focus on capturing moments rather than being consumed with the act of photography itself. The app also includes features such as a personal camera, hidden tricks, and haptic effects. While it allows for customizations, Capture does away with filters in favor of allowing users to define their own style without influence.
Amo’s unique approach to creating and tying together social apps is evident as users create a profile and add friends in one app, they will find themselves connected across all of Amo’s apps. With notifications being shared between ID and Capture, Amo is creating a universe of social apps designed to put real-life friends and loved ones at the forefront. Along with ID, Capture provides a unique, real-life focused experience by making consumption quick and easy, discouraging users from spending excessive time browsing through an infinite feed. Instead, after swiping through the last photo, the app closes, promoting users to get back to real life and capture more interesting photos for their friends. Amo’s innovative approach to social app development has once again set them apart from other startups in the industry and is likely to attract users who are seeking a more meaningful and seamless social app experience.


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