Bill Maher criticizes ‘liberal friends’ over reliance on NY Times and MSNBC for news (VIDEO)

In a recent episode of his show, Bill Maher criticized his fellow liberals for relying solely on the New York Times and MSNBC for their news. Speaking to Greg Lukianoff of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Maher expressed his concern over the lack of awareness among students at esteemed colleges regarding the longstanding issues on campus.

The conversation between Maher and Lukianoff focused on the recent turmoil on college campuses, particularly the conflict in the Middle East. Maher, a vocal supporter of Israel, condemned the calls for the genocide of Jews by some students and criticized university presidents for labeling it as free speech. He pointed out the hypocrisy of these institutions, which have remained silent in the face of conservative students and guest speakers being shut down for years.

During the discussion, Maher lamented the situation, calling the students “useful idiots” and attributing their beliefs to living by buzzwords and social media influence. He questioned how the top colleges in the country have produced students who lack critical thinking skills and rely on superficial allyship with marginalized groups. Maher also took a dig at his liberal friends who only consume news from mainstream outlets, suggesting that they were unaware of the issues he and others have been talking about for a long time. He emphasized that the recent events have exposed the reality that he and other old-school liberals have been trying to convey.

Maher’s shift towards a more critical and independent stance on various issues has been noticeable in recent months. His willingness to challenge mainstream narratives and advocate for free speech on college campuses has garnered attention and praise from those who appreciate his departure from conventional liberal viewpoints.

The conversation between Maher and Lukianoff has sparked discussions about the influence of mainstream media on shaping the views of the public, especially among young people. It has also drawn attention to the need for critical thinking and a more nuanced understanding of complex issues, rather than relying on echo chambers and social media trends.

As Maher continues to voice his concerns and challenge the status quo, it remains to be seen how his message will resonate with his audience and whether it will lead to a more open and informed approach to issues facing society today.


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