Cash Rate Remains Unchanged at 4.35 Percent in December

20221101001724384521 original min - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
Australian borrowers could be a little at ease this Christmas holiday season as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has decided to put the official cash rate on hold for December.
In its last board meeting of the year, the RBA left the official cash rate unchanged at 4.35 percent, following a 0.25 percent increase in November.
The decision matched many economists’ expectations about a pause for December.
The RBA raised the cash rate in November because of the increasing risk that inflation would remain in the economy for a longer period of time than previously expected.
However, since then, the domestic economic data received by the board, although limited, has shown that inflation is evolving in line with the RBA’s expectations, prompting the central bank to once again suspend its interest rate hiking cycle….


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