Catholic Priest Sparks Debate by Describing Christmas as the Story of a ‘Palestinian Jew’ Refugee in an ‘Occupied’ Land (VIDEO)

A CNN interview featuring three faith leaders, Catholic Father Edward Beck, Rabbi Angela Buchtal from Central Synagogue, and Imam Abdul Rauf, the founder of the Cordova House became contentious when Father Beck compared the biblical story of Christmas to current Middle Eastern conflicts. Specifically, those involving Israel and Hamas. Father Beck aimed to address those feeling “hopeless” but inadvertently touched a nerve by characterizing Jesus with politically charged terms.

In the CNN interview, Father Beck said, “I don’t think, poppy, we get an answer for the why, but I think the message of Christmas is that god enters into it with us and we’re not alone in it. What I’m so struck by is that the story of Christmas is about a Palestinian Jew. How often do you find those words put together. A Palestinian Jew born into a time when his country was occupied, right? They can’t find a place for her to even give birth, his mother. They’re homeless. They eventually have to flee as refugees into Egypt, no less. I mean, you can’t make up the parallels to our current world situation right now.”

A Twitter post brought the comments to attention, with user Collin Rugg stating, “Clown News Network strikes again. The story of Christmas is about a Palestinian Jew. Now, how often do you find those words put together?”

According to The Jerusalem Post, the idea that Jesus was Palestinian is often rooted in nationalist propaganda designed to erase Jewish history and memory, a system of anti-Jewish oppression. Jesus was actually a proud, observant Jew who lived in his indigenous homeland of Judea and Galilee from the time he was born to his death.

According to the same source, Jesus was born a Jew and lived in a Jewish kingdom located in much of modern Israel, where Jews have now lived consecutively for 3,000 years. This history is confirmed by Christian sources, and Jesus hailed from the Jewish kingdom of Judea, “the southern province of [historic] Israel.”

“Palestine” is never referenced in the New Testament, according to Middle Eastern historian Bernard Lewis. During Jesus’s lifetime, “Palestine” never existed.

From the discussion and the responses on social media, it is clear that the comments made in the CNN interview struck a chord with many people. The debate has brought historical accuracy and religious sensitivity back into focus. While individuals are entitled to their own beliefs and interpretations of religious stories, it is important to acknowledge and respect the established historical and cultural context. The public discussion and response to this interview serve as a reminder of the importance of facts and understanding, particularly when discussing sensitive topics such as religion, history, and identity.


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