Conservative Journalist Saves Puppy Abandoned at Southern Border

Journalist Julio Rosas, known for his right-leaning stance, has been actively covering the southern border crisis for Townhall. His hands-on approach and on-site reporting have provided a firsthand look at the situation, with many viral videos on Twitter credited to him.

One recent report showcased the debris fields along the US side of the Rio Grande, where illegal immigrants discarded their wet clothes after crossing the river.

Moreover, Rosas recently made headlines for rescuing an abandoned puppy left behind by a group of illegal immigrants at the border. This heartwarming act of kindness provided a beautiful and heartwarming Christmas story.

Upon rescuing the puppy, Rosas took to Twitter to share the good news, with photos and updates on the puppy’s condition. He also started a Venmo account to collect donations for the puppy’s veterinary care, with any excess funds being donated to a no-kill dog shelter where his mother volunteers.

Given the heartwarming nature of the story, Rosas’ Twitter feed has been filled with updates and photos of the puppy, now named Bella, thriving and growing stronger. His act of rescuing the abandoned puppy has garnered widespread support and admiration, with many praising him for taking in the innocent dog and giving her a new lease on life.

Overall, Julio Rosas’ coverage of the border crisis and his compassionate act of rescuing the abandoned puppy have not only shed light on the ongoing challenges at the southern border but also showcased the kindness and empathy of individuals in the midst of adversity.


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