Corey Feldman Discusses Music and the Dark Side of Hollywood for Child Actors

Actor and musician Corey Feldman has opened up about his life, his music, and Hollywood in an in-depth interview with The Epoch Times. The star of iconic films such as “The Goonies,” “Stand By Me,” and “Gremlins” explained that music was his first love, and he draws inspiration from a variety of genres resulting in his “eclectic albums.” He revealed that his classic rock heroes include The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, and Lenny Kravitz. Mr. Feldman writes all his music, but sometimes works collaboratively. He has achieved success in top 40 radio with pop, EDM, classic rock, and ballads. His song “U R Free”  broke into the Top 20 Billboard’s Adult Contemporary chart, and his song “Without You” debuted at number 26 on Billboard’s Top 40 Adult Contemporary chart. Despite being a child star and being directed on film sets from a young age, Mr. Feldman insists he was never forced to act and that his parents made the choice for him. He enjoyed it and was good at it but realized later in life that he did not want to act forever. In Hollywood, Mr. Feldman suffered abuse as a child and struggled with addiction as a coping mechanism. In his documentary “My Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys,” directed by Brian Herlinger, Mr. Feldman lays out the abuse he and fellow child actor Corey Haim suffered. Mr. Haim died in 2010. Speaking about the documentary, Mr. Feldman said, “Anything that you’ve heard so far is literally just the tip of the iceberg.” Mr. Feldman spoke about his admiration for “Limp Bizkit” frontman Fred Durst, with whom he has a professional connection. Durst has directed Mr. Feldman’s latest music video for his new song titled “The Joke.” In addition, Mr. Feldman is preparing to embark on his first arena tour as the opening act for Limp Bizkit. Mr. Feldman claims he owes his fans the same level of performance whether performing in a small nightclub or a large festival. Mr. Feldman’s new film “The Birthday,” which he believes to be his finest work as an actor, has recently been released after being shelved for two decades. Despite receiving an invitation to the premiere of Mr. Peele’s film “Nope,” where Jordan Peele and Mr. Feldman exchanged phone numbers, Mr. Feldman believes his outspoken allegations against Hollywood played a role in “The Birthday” being suppressed. Despite this, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele became the project’s champion, leading to a distribution deal for the long-shelved film. In addition, tickets for Mr. Feldman’s upcoming tour can be purchased online. Mr. Feldman concluded the interview by noting that “we can’t turn a blind eye anymore” to the abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood, and that he is glad to have been able to help get justice for victims

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