Democrat Lawmaker Calls for Enhanced Police Patrols Around His Home After Defunding Austin Police Department

Texas Representative Gregorio “Greg” Casar, who was instrumental in the push to defund the Austin Police Department in 2020 while serving on the city council, recently made a surprising request for enhanced police patrols around his own home. This comes just days after he sent a letter to the Department of Justice, calling for an investigation into the same police department.

In the letter to the Department of Justice, Casar accused the Austin Police Department of a “pattern and practice of utilizing excessive force against people of color and people with mental health conditions.” He emphasized the need for a federal investigation into civil rights violations by the department, particularly in its policing of communities of color, people with mental health conditions, and individuals exercising their First Amendment rights.

However, just days after sending the letter, Casar faced criticism from the Austin Police Retired Officers Association. The association called out the hypocrisy of Casar’s request for enhanced police patrols around his home, considering his recent efforts to defund the police department.

The association’s president, Dennis Farris, highlighted the contradiction in Casar’s actions by noting that he had previously referred to the Austin Police Department as a racist institution that targeted Black and brown people. Farris expressed concern over the inconsistency in Casar’s stance, emphasizing that the police would still be willing to provide assistance if needed but questioning the motives behind Casar’s sudden request for increased police presence.

The Austin Police Department confirmed that they are aware of Casar’s request and stated that they are following standard protocol in assessing and addressing the situation. The department also emphasized their commitment to maintaining public safety while respecting the confidentiality of sensitive information.

In response to the criticism, Casar’s office refrained from commenting on the specific security measures related to the congressman. They clarified that security matters are handled by the United States Sergeant at Arms, who collaborates with the U.S. Capitol Police and local law enforcement agencies to address such issues.

The Austin Police Retired Officers Association continued to mock the response, questioning Casar’s understanding of the entities involved in providing security measures. They pointed out the irony of Casar’s request for police patrols despite his previous efforts to defund the police department.

Casar’s actions have sparked a debate about the perceived hypocrisy of public officials who advocate for defunding the police while simultaneously seeking enhanced police protection for their own safety. The controversy surrounding his request has reignited discussions about the intersection of political advocacy, public safety, and the responsibilities of elected officials.


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