Educators Embrace ‘Kindness is Cool’ Contest on Gan Jing World Platform

id5486471 signal 2023 09 01 193101 - The Japan Weeknd Magazine
Educators worldwide are among the participants of a “Kindness is Cool” competition launched on the family-friendly social platform Gan Jing World as a means to inspire compassion and kindness among students.
The competition kicked off on Sept. 1, hoping to: “Spread kindness, inspire millions,” according to the Gan Jing World.
“Kind acts have the power to send forth ripple effects in our world and change lives,” the platform said in a statement.
Gan Jing World “invites people and organizations to join a movement for good. Submissions are open now through December 31, 2023 with a winners announcement scheduled for February 1, 2024,” the statement said.
“Anyone can share videos of kind acts using the hashtag #KindnessIsCool on Gan Jing World and take part in this great wave of worldwide positivity, while also earning a chance at $25,000 in cash prizes.”…


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