Elon Musk Confirms Alex Jones’ Return to X After Overwhelming User Poll Support

After a highly influential poll instigated by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, one-time Pariah Alex Jones is on the verge of returning to the social media platform now known as X. Infowars founder, Jones, has recently spoken out about the prospect of his reinstatement on Twitter, after Musk initiated a poll asking users whether Jones should be welcomed back.

In 2018, Jones was permanently banned from the now-woke Twitter following a string of incidents, including a confrontation with CNN’s Oliver Darcy that violated the platform’s abusive behavior policies. His personal account and affiliated accounts were nearly wiped from Twitter, with the platform’s safety team announcing a zero-tolerance approach to any Jones-related accounts attempting to bypass the ban.

More than five years after his ban, Musk, renowned for challenging the status quo, proposed a public vote on Jones’s fate on the social media site. Using the phrase “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” to suggest that the decision rests with the people, Musk’s poll witnessed an overwhelming response, with a final result showing a 70.1% in favor of reinstating Jones. The poll garnered nearly 2 million votes in total.

In a spirited and resolute video posted on his personal website, Banned.Video, Jones defended himself against the allegations and accused Twitter of impeding his ability to clear his name. He asserted that his reinstatement is crucial for the preservation of free speech, emphasizing its significance in the context of free and fair elections.

Jones praised Musk for considering his reinstatement on a principled basis, despite Musk’s public disagreement with Jones on several issues. His video was both a plea and a declaration, with Jones urging his supporters to vote in favor of his reinstatement on Twitter.

Late Saturday night, Musk confirmed the decision via a tweet, stating, “The people have spoken and so it shall be.” This aligns with Musk’s previous actions advocating for more lenient content moderation policies and a more laissez-faire approach to speech on the platform.

This extraordinary turn of events has sparked widespread debate and speculation, with supporters applauding Musk’s adherence to democratic principles, while critics express concern about the potential repercussions of Jones’s return. The verdict, announced publicly on social media, has been described as a significant victory for cyber-democracy and the fundamental right to free speech.


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