FBI’s Targeting of Devout Catholics Exceeded Chris Wray’s Testimony to Congress

The FBI under the leadership of Chris Wray has come under fire for its alarming new focus on targeting devout Christians as potential domestic terrorists in America. This shocking revelation was first reported by the Gateway Pundit in April, which detailed how the FBI has been infiltrating Catholic parishes and engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

This disturbing trend is not new, as earlier reports had already highlighted the FBI’s targeting of traditional Catholics and their infiltration of Catholic parishes. A memo posted by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin warned agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ gaining popularity in the country. Seraphin, who blew the whistle on the FBI’s handling of the Jan 6th investigation, was subsequently suspended from the bureau.

The Weaponization Committee revealed that the FBI’s targeting of devout Catholics was due to their pro-Life, pro-family, and pro-biological basis for gender beliefs. The agency singled out traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists, which raises concerns about the similarities to tactics used by Marxist regimes in history.

Furthermore, FOX News reported that conservative government watchdog Judicial Watch released almost 100 pages of FBI documents showing that the agency was not fully forthcoming about its actions surveilling and targeting Catholic churches. The records obtained through a FOIA request revealed coordination with officials from Portland and Milwaukee, contradicting FBI Director Christopher Wray’s claims that the memo was “a single product by a single field office.”

The internal memo titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities” drew instant criticism from Republicans and shed light on the extent of the FBI’s targeting of Catholics.

The revelations about the FBI’s targeting of devout Christians, particularly Catholics, have raised serious concerns about civil liberties and religious freedom in America. The implications of law enforcement agencies spying on individuals based on their religious beliefs are deeply troubling and have sparked calls for accountability and repercussions for those responsible.

With the growing scrutiny and backlash, it remains to be seen how the FBI and Chris Wray will address these alarming allegations and regain the trust of the American people. The issue goes beyond mere surveillance and involves fundamental questions about the protection of religious freedom and the erosion of civil liberties in the name of national security. As this story develops, the public will be closely watching for any further developments or responses from the FBI and its leadership.


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